
    “Worlds and Beings”, Romanian Contemporary Science Fiction Stories

    Worlds Beings

    A comprehensive and panoramic survey of the contemporary Romanian SF. The balance sheet of the genre on the Romanian soil shows that science fiction is now enjoying a lot more dignity and cultural respectability. As for the future, I’m confident : with its yet untapped resources, serene and tenacious, Romanian SF keeps on running.” – Mircea Opriță

    “Worlds and Beings”: Romanian Contemporary Science Fiction Stories, Romanian Cultural Institute Press, 2015

    Selection and presentation of the texts by Horia Gârbea

    English translation by Magda Groza, Mihela Mudure Alexandru Solomon and Samuel Onn


    Horia Gârbea, Science Fiction in Romania. A Brief History and Justification

    Diana Alzner, A Dash of Kindness 

    Rodica Bretin, The Bride from the Garden

    Aurel Cărășel, The Crack 

    Sebastian A. Corn, The‐Princess‐from‐the‐Mirror

    Ştefana Cristina Czeller, Where Are You Pedalling, Comrade Vasilescu?

    Dan Doboș, Angels, Come out of Your Tombs! 

    Antuza Genescu, The Most Cheerful Man on Earth

    Antuza Genescu, Worlds and Beings 

    Silviu Genescu, MMXI (The Shortcut) 

    Mircea Liviu Goga, The Artefact

    Michael Haulică, Grey‐Ray. The Duty 

    Michael Haulică, Rons, Socketers and Knots

    Lucian Ionică, Among Other Mornings 

    George Lazăr, All of the Remaining Days

    Victor Martin, Naked People on the Streets

    Lucian Merișca, Out‐of‐the‐Blue Catastrophe

    Ovidiu Pecican, In a Reddish Light 

    Viorel Pîrligras, Back to Black

    Florin Pîtea, Diplomatic Relations 

    Cristian Tudor Popescu, Omohom 

    Liviu Radu, El Dorado 

    Lucian Vasile Szabo, I Remember the Baker 

    Cristian Mihail Teodorescu, Amnesia

    Marian Truță, The Clouds and the Sky

    Dănuț Ungureanu, Flight Over the Silent Mountain

    Romanian SF is almost a century and a half old. And today, Romanian SF is still alive and vivid, with its sense of humour and lyricism and mocking exuberance. Science fiction is a global phenomenon, indeed !” – Cornel Robu

    Romanian Science Fiction Monograph – The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction

    Romanian Science Fiction & Fantasy translated into English

    Fantastica Magazine’s Special Issue Dedicated to the French Science Fiction, A Romanian SF Magazine Dedicated to the European Speculative Fiction : the Polish Speculative Fiction, An European SF Magazine Dedicated to the European Speculative Fiction : the Czech SF, An European SF Magazine Dedicated to the European Speculative Fiction

    Colecția Povestirilor Științifico-Fantastice Anticipația (The Collection of the Science Fiction Stories Anticipation SF Magazine) – Romania

    “Utopia, Science Fiction, and Their Significant Others in the 21st Century” International Conference (Timișoara, Romania) : 8th-9th of May 2015



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