
    Vienna Comix, 30th of September to 1st of October 2017

    From the 30th of September to the 1st of October the Vienna Comix is going to set place. It is an event on comics, cosplay and Star Wars. (The location is the MCG, Modecenterstraße 22, 1030 Vienna, Austria)

    Guests of Honour are:
    Joscha Sauer & Haiko Hörnig („Notfunny“)
    Sarah Burrini („Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof“)
    Yildiray Cinar (Marvel and DC artist)
    Michael Hacker („Pizzeria Disgusto“)
    Roman Gerhardt („Oskar“)
    ASH – Austrian Super Heroes & LDH – Liga Deutscher Helden (Leage of the German Heroes)


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