Nina Horvath, our EUROPA SF contributor colleague recently launched her first book, “The Scent Organ” (Die Duftorgel) published by Wurdack-Verlag, a German publisher specialized in the imaginary literature domain (science fiction, fantasy, fantastic, horror).
“The Scent Organ” is a short stories collection, all the stories inside are re-prints. They were published in different anthologies and fanzines before.
The title story (“The Scent Organ”) was third on the Deutscher Science Fiction Preis (German Science Fiction Award) competition and the winner of the 2012 Deutscher Phantastik Preis (German Award for Speculative Fiction).
The story is also translated into Slovenian right now.
Nina Horvath in the center, between Gisela Wurdack and Ernst Wurdack, the publishers of ”The Scent Organ”
“The Scent Organ” was launched last Saturday (12th of October) at the BuchmesseCon (Bookfair Convention), a major meeting place for publishers, authors and fans on speculative fiction in the germanophone areas. BuchmesseCon takes place in Dreieich, a town close to Frankfurt am Main (Germany), in the same period as the big book fair from there. A lot of authors attend both events.
“The Scent Organ” is a collectors edition in 100 issues, therefore all copies are numbered and signed.
Nina signed a lot of copies during the BuchmesseCon and she weared gloves (white ones), not due to fashion matters, but for the reason to not leave fingerprints inside the signed books . 😉
Congratulations, Nina, we are convinced that this is just your first book in a long series !
Don’t forget to check the page :
and Nina’s website :
Nina Horvath is an Austrian author of science fiction, fantasy and horror, editor of three anthologies of fantasy and science fiction stories. She’s a Paleontologist, a graduate of the University of Vienna.
Nina was awarded with the DPP (Deutscher Phantastik Preis/German Award for Speculative Fiction), the best short story category for “The Scent Organ”(Die Duftorgel) and Vincent Award( dedicated to the German language horror) for editing the anthology „The Shadow Clock” (Die Schattenuhr).
Nina Horvath stories have been published in german language anthologies, magazines and fanzines. „The Shadow Clock” (Die Schattenuhr) anthology that she edited, was published in the „Bizarre world of Edgar Allan Poe” series of the Blitz Publishing House.
Anthologies :
”The Shadow Clock” (Die Schattenuhr), editor, Blitz Publishing House, 2011
”Metamorphosis – In the Footsteps of H. P. Lovecraft” (Metamorphosen – Auf den Spuren H.P.Lovecrafts ), co-editor with Manuela Bianchi and Sabrina Eberl, Torsten Low Publishers, 2010;
”Darwin’s Tortoise” (Darwin Schildkröte), co- editor with Timo Bader and Bernhard Weißbecker, Fabylon Publishers, 2008;
Short stories :
”Stolen Memory” (Gestohlene Erinnerung), in the ”Hunger” short stories collection, Blitz Publishers, 2012;
”Hedge Euro” (Der Heckeeuro), in the ”Neues aus Anderwelt – Hölle” ( News from Another World – Hell ), short stories collection, 2012;
”Sunday Child” (Das Sonntagskind), in the ”Diebe , Drachen und Dämonen” (Thieves, Dragons and Demons ), short stories collection, 2012;
”On every ship sailing and puffing …” (Auf jedem Schiff das dampft und segelt …), in the ”Uriel” short stories collection, p.machinery Publishers, 2012;
”The Scent Organ” (Die Duftorgel), in the ”Prototypen” (Prototypes) short stories collection, Begedia Publishers, 2011; 2012 DPP Award for best short story;
”Insect World” (Welt der Insekten), in the ”Neues aus Anderwelt – Klassische Science Fiction ” (News from Another World – Classic Science fiction), short stories collection, 2011;
”The Invisible Puppeteer” (Der unsichtbare Marionettenspieler), in the ”Paradoxon” short stories collection, Sarturia Publishing, 2011;
”Nekropolis”, in the” Frauen ! – Starke Erzählungen über das strake Geschlecht” (Women ! – Hard Stories about the Strong Gender), short stories collection, Septime Publishing, 2010;
”New Ice Age” (Die neue Eiszeit ), in the ”Von Feuer und Dampf ” (Fire and Steam), short stories collection, Arcanum Publishing, 2010;
”The Life and Death Power Sword” (Das Schwert des Lebens und die Macht des Todes), in ”The Sword Dragons Saga” (Die Saga der Drachenschwerter), short stories collection, Wunderwald Publishing, 2010;
”Freedom for the Water Droplets” (Freiheit den Wassertropfen !), in the ”Neues aus Anderwelt – Wasserwesen” (News from Another World – Aquatic Creatures), short stories collection, 2010 ;
”A Little Apocalypse” (Ein bisschen Weltuntergang) in the ”War es Urknall Im still” short stories collection, Sarturia Publishing, 2010;
”Home, Sweet Parallel Home” (Trautes Heim, parallel), ”Boa Esperança” (Good Hope ), short stories collection, p.machinery Publishers, 2010;
”Zombies for a Day” (Zombies für einen Tag), in the ”Metamorphosen – Auf den Spuren HP Lovecrafts” (Metamorphosis – On the Traces of H.P. Lovecraft), short stories collection, Torsten Low Publishers, 2009 ;
”Power of Darkness” (Dunklen die Macht), in the ”Geschichten einen Krieges” (Stories of a War) short stories collection, VPH Publishers, 2008 ;
”The Glass Dome Principle” (Das Glaskuppelprinzip), in the ”Das Glaskuppelprinzip” short stories collection, Sarturia Publishers, 2008 ;
”Darwin’s Tortoise” (Darwin Schildkröte), in the ”Darwin Schildkröte”, short stories collectionm Fabylon Publishers, 2008;
”Eye of the Future” (Zukunftsauge), in the ”Disturbania” short stories collection, Atlantis Publishing, 2008;
”Under the Façade” (Hinter der Fassade), in the ”Die Null Matrix” (The Zero Matrix), short stories collection, Sarturia Publishers, 2007 ;
”Broken Soul” (Die Seele geteilte), in the ”Die Formel des Lebens” (The Life Formula), short stories collection, Wurdack Publishing, 2007 ;
”The Cosmozos Theory” (Die Kosmozoentheorie ), in the „Welt der Geschichten 5″ (World of the Stories 5), short stories collection, Hary Production Publishers, 2007;
”Spiral” (Die Spirale), in the ”Der Engel , der auf meiner Schulter Sass” (The Angel that Sat on My Shoulder), short stories collection, Richmond Publishing, 2007, and in the ”Überschuss” (Surplus) short stories collection, Wurdack Publishers, 2005;
”Allegory of Death” (Die Allegorie des Todes), in the ”Angst II ” (Fear II), short stories collection, Hary Production Publishers, 2007 ;
”Free as a Bird” (Vogelfrei) in „Xun 13” and ”Fantasia” 202/203 Magazines, 2006 ;
”The Dream of the Universe ” (Vom Universum geträumt) in ”Kurzgeschichten” Magazine 4/ 06, 2006 ;
”Mayliss”, in the ”Fantastisches Österreich” (Fantastic Austria), website, 2005 ;
”Death of a Puppet” (Tod einer Puppe), in the ”Goethe und Golem” (Goethe and the Golem”, short stories collection, Wurdack Publishers, 2005 ;
”The Thing from the Cave” (Das Ding in der Höhle ), Wildes Land website, 2005 ;
”Oxymoron” in the ”Kurzgeschichten” Magazine, 5/05, Lichtenau, 2005 and in the ”Künstliche Intelligenzen – Maschinengeburten” (Artificial Intelligence – The Birth of the Machine), Zeitspur, 2004 ;
”Dark Light, Light darkness” ( Hell dunkel, dunkel hell), Schattenseiten website, 2004 ;
”The Value of a Moment” (Der Wert des Augenblicks), Thunderyear , 2002;