
    The Rosny-Aîné Award’s Nominations (France)

    Rosny Aine Awards

    Le Prix Rosny-Aîné/The Rosny-Aîné Award is a major literary prize for the French science fiction. It has been awarded annually since 1980 in two categories: best novel and best short fiction. Joseph Altairac, the administrator of the Rosny-Aîné Award had recently announced the nominations for 2012.

    The second round of the Rosny-Aîné Award will be held at the French National SF Convention in Aubenas to choose the winners .

    Results of the first round of Rosny 2013:


    Jacques Boireau –  ”Oniromaque (Oniromachos), Armada


    Sylvie Denis –  “L’empire du sommeil (Empire of Sleep), L’Atalante


    Laurent Genefort – ”Points chauds (Hotspots), Belial ‘


    Vincent Gessler  –  ”Mimosa”, L’Atalante


    Jean-Marc Ligny – ”Exodes (Exodus), L’Atalante


    Olivier Paquet – ”Le Melkine (The Melkine), L’Atalante

    Laurence Suhner – ”Vestiges (Vestigies), L’Atalante


    Short Stories:

    Franck Antoine – “Contre pouvoir” (Counter-power), in Etherval No. 1, Les Plumes de l’Imaginaire

    Ayerdahl – “RCW“, in Utopiales 2012, ActuSF

    Anthony Boulanger – “Évaporation et sublimation” (Evaporation and sublimation), in Destination Univers,  Griffe d’Encre

    Olivier Caruso  – “Les Quatre saisons de la Baleine” (The Four Seasons of the Whale), in Galaxies 19/61

    Thomas Geha – “Les Tiges” ( The Rods), in Destination Univers,  Griffe d’Encre

    Catherine Loiseau – “Le Déclin” (The Decline), in Etherval No. 1, Les Plumes de l’Imaginaire

    Adriana Lorusso – “Miséricorde et pénitence” (Mercy and penance), in Des nouvelles de Ta-Shima, Ad Astra

    The second round is reserved to the registered participants to the 40th National French SF Convention in Aubenas (22-25.08.2013).

    Rosny Aine Awards 2


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