Home News The New York Review of Science Fiction (NYRSF) Issue 300, Free to...

The New York Review of Science Fiction (NYRSF) Issue 300, Free to All


The New York Review of Science Fiction (NYRSF), one of the world’s best in its range, is a US monthly critical/literary magazine of science fiction that was established in 1988 by David G.Hartwell, Patrick Nielsen Hayden, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, Susan Palwick, Samuel R. Delany, and Kathryn Cramer. Robert J Killheffer, Gordon Van Gelder, Donald G Keller have also been on the editorial staff over the years.

Number 288/August 2012, was the last printed issue.

The New York Review of Science Fiction (NYRSF),  is now available electronically ( in various digital/Ebook formats with a POD print option). Tables of contents, editorials, and some featured articles are offered for free online.
NYRSF includes works of science fiction criticism, essays, and in-depth critical reviews of new works of fiction and scholarship.

For the first 24 years, it was published by David G. Hartwell’s Dragon Press, but with the start of volume 25, it has shifted to publisher Kevin J. Maroney’s Burrowing Wombat Press.
The journal is indexed in the MLA International Bibliography and other subject-specific literature and cultural studies indexes. A complete and up-to-date index in Microsoft Excel format is available online.
Although international in coverage, the journal also sponsors SF events in the New York City area, principally including a series of readings from prominent writers that are generally broadcast on WBAI (a part of the Pacifica Radio Network, a non-commercial, listener-supported radio station, broadcasting at 99.5 FM in New York City.
Special Anniversary Issue : # 300
Kim Stanley Robinson: On Wolfe’s Genius
Jonathan Crowe: Maps and Blank Spaces
David Drake: Ghosts, Living and Otherwise
Mike Barrett: Cynthia Asquith’s Ghosts
Eugene Reynolds, in depth, on
Ursula K. Le Guin’s short fiction
Michael Bishop on Bruce McAllister’s magic
Jen Gunnels on Deep Sea Puppets
Darrell Schweitzer on Scalzi’s Metafictions”

“As a thank you to the many people who have made it possible for us to reach this milestone, the digital edition of NYRSF Issue 300 is FREE.

It’s a sampler of all the types of material NYRSF publishes—appreciations of authors both well-known and forgotten; reviews, long and short, of good science fiction, fantasy, and horror books; theatre reviews; personal essays related to the larger f&sf field; and a vigorous letter column.
Anyone who wishes to can download a copy of the issue in ebook (epub or mobi/Kindle format) or print-ready PDF via Weightless Books.

Please share this issue as widely as you would like, since we are also hoping to attract new readers to carry us forward for another quarter-century !” – The New York Review of Science Fiction


The New York Review of Science Fiction

Samuel R. Delany, Contributing Editor; Kris Dikeman and Avram Grumer, Managing Editors.

Alex Donald, Webmaster; Jen Gunnels, Drama Editor.

David G. Hartwell, Reviews and Features Editor; Kevin J. Maroney, Publisher.

Staff: Ann Crimmins, Heather Masri, Lisa Padol, Eugene Reynolds, Jason Strawsburg, and Anne Zanoni.

Special thanks to Arthur D. Hlavaty, M’jit Raindancer-Stahl, and Eugene Surowitz.

Published monthly by Burrowing Wombat Press, 206 Valentine Street, Yonkers NY 10704-1814, USA

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