
    The FINFAR Society’s SF&Fantasy Research Journal (Finland)


    From Adam Robert’s site :

    The Nordic Journal of Science Fiction and Fantasy Research is a refereed, interdisciplinary journal published by the FINFAR Society (Suomen science fiction-ja fantasiatutkimuksen seura ry) from 2014 onwards.
    The purpose of the journal is to introduce and develop research focusing on science fiction and fantasy literature, audiovisual art, games, and fan culture by providing an interdisciplinary perspective on current issues and debates within research into these genres.
    The journal is published online in PDF-form. In addition to the peer-reviewed articles, the journal publishes essays, interviews, opinion pieces and academic book reviews. The main language of the journal is English, but articles will also be published in the Nordic languages. The journal’s website will also contain a special section on Nordic research, with information on publications, reviews and university theses on science fiction and fantasy.
    The first Editors for the journal are:
    Jyrki Korpua, University of Oulu (literary studies)
    Hanna-Riikka Roine, University of Tampere (literary studies)
    Päivi Väätänen, University of Helsinki (English)
    The Current Advisory Board for NJSFFR consists of:
    Merja Polvinen, University of Helsinki (English), Chair
    Paula Arvas, University of Helsinki (Finnish literature)
    Stefan Ekman, University of Gothenburg (English)
    Irma Hirsjärvi, University of Tampere (cultural studies)
    Urpo Kovala, University of Jyväskylä (cultural studies)
    Sanna Lehtonen, Tilburg University (cultural studies)
    Cheryl Morgan (publisher and critic)
    Frans Mäyrä, University of Tampere (game studies)
    Jerry Määttä, Uppsala University (literary studies)
    Sari Polvinen, University of Helsinki, (critic, history)
    Liisa Rantalaiho, University of Tampere (gender studies)
    Adam Roberts, Royal Holloway, University of London (literary studies)
    Sofia Sjö, Åbo Akademi University (religious studies, film studies)
    Markku Soikkeli (non-fiction author, comparative literature)
    For more information, please contact Mika Loponen at
    The name contest
    We refuse to call this journal only by its official name. It should be Bob. Or Susan. Or, preferably, something Nordic. Think of a name for the NJSFFR and win a life-time membership in the FINFAR Society and a supporting membership at Finncon 2014! Please send suggestions to by 30th November 2013.”
    Finfar : Finnish Network of Fantasy Research
    Finfar’s CFP can be downloaded in PDF format in English:


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