The first French National SF Convention (Convention nationale française de science fiction) was organized in 1974 by the writer Jean-Pierre Fontana on the model of the World SF Convention.
The French National Science Fiction Convention is a meeting organized annually in France – or, as an exception, in an “adjoining” French-speaking country – by amateurs and science fiction professionals.
It brings together Registered Participants (the vast majority), Guests and Organizers.
It is an SF internal meeting, not to be confused with a fair or a festival.
It is also the occasion to award literary prizes: at the present time it is the Rosny Award for novel and a new one, the “Cyrano Award” awarded to a person for all it’s contributions to science fiction. The “Alain le Bussy/Galaxies” and “Pépin” Awards (news of less than 300 signs) may also be included.
Organized by the “Les Rêv’Ailleurs”Association and Frédéric Fromenty, the 44the French National Science Fiction Convention is taking place between 13-16th of July 2017 in Grenoble, France.
Guest of honor is the writer Joëlle Wintrebert, guests are Morgane Caussarieu, Romain Lucazeau, François Rouiller, Alexandre Poncet and participating writers are Jean-Laurent Del Socorro, Pierre Gévart, Gilles Goullet, Mathieu Guibé, Bernard Henninger, Antoine Hiloi, Christian Léourier, Sylvie Lainé, Li-Cam, Sybille, Joseph Altairac, Lilie Bagage, Nathalie Bagadey and Georges Bormand Marchetto, Danielle Martinigol, Raymond Milési, Bruno Para, Éric Picholle, Hervé Thiellement, Jean Vigne.
On the program, 4 days of meetings, signings, animations, panels, lectures, debates, readings, film screenings and so on, all in a relaxed atmosphere and aiming at proximity, since far from being a simple “Book Fair” the French National SF Convention wants to be a meeting point of the fans and professionals.
From July 13 to July 16, 2017 (July 14th is the National France Day)
On the university campus of Saint-Martin d’Hères, right next to Grenoble, in the South Hall of the Stendhal Building.”>
Next year, in 2018, the French National SF Convention will be held jointly with EUROCON (The European SF Convention) in Amiens, France, between 19th-22nd of July.
Both conventions are organized by a committee coordinated by the writer and editor Pierre Gévart.
Pierre Gévart is writing SF, mainstream, drama and he has pursued a career in the senior civil service and has written extensively on the methodology of administrative examinations, or on areas of knowledge related to them.
Pierre Gévart was the founder, in 2005, of the science fiction fanzin “Géante rouge” (Red Dwarf), and became in December 2007 the editor-in-chief of the French SF magazine “Galaxies”, the main SF publication in France.
In 2005, Pierre launched the “Prix Pépin”, a science-fiction micro-texts competition.
In 2010, following the brutal disappearance of Alain le Bussy, president of the jury of the Prix Infini, Pierre took over, renaming this prize: “Prix Alain le Bussy”. Each year, this distinction is attributed to an unpublished work, new science fiction exclusively, then published in the magazine “Galaxies”.
In August 2006, Pierre organized the 33rd French National Science Fiction Convention in Bellaing (Nord), and in August 2009, the 36th Convention, in the same city, in association with the Jules Verne International Center in Amiens, France and in July 2014, the 41st French National SF Convention in Amiens.