SCI-FI LONDON (1st-7th May 2018), London, Great Britain
The 18th annual edition of the UK’s only dedicated SF film festival, taking place between 1st – 7th May 2018
SCI-FI LONDON has a stellar line up as usual and hope to see you there.
SCI-FI LONDON is celebrating the 200th anniversary of the first proper SF novel, Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein“, with a little WTF twist.
SCI-FI LONDON‘s opening night movie is Maurice Haaems’ debut, “Chimera“, a powerful film that asks “do you want to live forever?”
SCI-FI LONDON is closing with a fantastic and prescient film called “Division 19“, a UK production written and directed by Suzie Halewood.
There are myriad shorts in the festival – five programmes of them… be sure to catch at least one!
And new this year is SCI-FI LONDON‘s partnership with The Moxy Hotel and Pitch, both great drinking spots for after screening socials.
Be sure to follow SCI-FI LONDON’s on Twitter and Instagram : #SFL18 and #SCIFILONDON