Art ShowDue to lack of enough interest by this relatively late date, we will not have an art show, although there will be an exhibition by Artist GoH Enrique Corominas. However, we will have a splendid Dealers & Fan Area with more than 40 commercial tables sold already (out of a possible maximum of 90) plus 6 fan tables shared by 12 associations.
Commercial tables range across games, comics, Goth and steampunk gear, jewellery, publicity for future conventions, societies, small presses, and much more. Please note this area will be open to the general public. As well as making our Dealers very happy, this also aims to attract new blood into fandom. Proselytism is OK with all of you, we hope! |
Free SFF anthologiesInstead of giving a memory stick/flash drive to every member of Eurocon, we have decided that every member of the Eurocon will find in their arrival bags a set of beautiful postcards, imprinted with codes for downloading anthologies in English—of Spanish, Swedish SF, Finnish Weird, and whatever other anthologies of national SF in English members or non-members wish to contact us about distributing. This will be much sexier than giving people a piece of plastic with the logo of a sponsor.
Anyone wanting to join this free scheme, please contact, subject heading “SFF Anthology”. Please note that this is only for anthologies, magazines of special interest, or other similar material in English reflecting the SFF situation in Europe or in any European country. |
Meeting of Finns & Spanish regarding Worldcon FinlandMany Spanish fans are planning to attend WorldCon 75 as their first-ever-out-of-Spain-Con. That is big! So we would like to arrange a meeting of both fandoms. It will be an out of the program event, maybe in the CCCB bar (we all know a few beers help a lot with foreign languages). Finnish friends, expect to find a bunch of very enthusiastic Spanish fans who will ask you questions about WorldCon, Helsinki, and nordic fandom general life. |
Adopt a GuiriWould you like to have a Spanish pen pal (ok, e-mail pal) and meet him or her during Eurocon? This is your chance! Quite a few Spanish fans who will be attending the con like the idea, too, so please send a message to adler07[AT] and we will match you. We encourage you to bring a SMALL INEXPENSIVE imaginative gift for your Spanish pen pal (and he or she will do the same). “Adopt a guiri” is the name of this program, “guiri” being for Spaniards any foreign language speaker. |
Programme panels with vacancies“Jules Verne versus H.G. Wells” needs a woman panelist.
“SF in Portugal Today”: one woman is needed. (She can be Portuguese or Galician.)
“The Failures of Futurology” needs 2 speakers, at least one of them a woman.
“Does SF Prevent a Bad Future?” would benefit from a woman speaker.
Other panels which will benefit from extra speakers with relevant knowledge are:
“French SF Culture”
“Comics and SF”
“The Place of European SF in the World”
“The Spanish SF Scene Today”
“Gay Societies in SF” (preferably someone from Eastern Europe)
“How to Build a Fantasy World”
Please volunteer to: jonahkit[AT]—we mightn’t be able to fit you all in, but we would certainly like you to volunteer! If you have emailed our Eurocon about anything and not had a reply within a reasonable time, please send your email again. Please note that, except for Guests of Honour, we prefer not to put the same person on more than 2 programme items, so that there can be as many speakers as possible.
In general, programme items in English will not be translated into Spanish, nor Spanish programme items into English—and the same for Catalan—otherwise half of the time of a panel or talk would be spent translating. |
“Impostor Syndrome” WorkshopImpostor Syndrome is the feeling that you aren’t really qualified for the work you are doing and will be discovered as a fraud. Many women, People of Color, QUILTBAG persons, and others from marginalized groups experience Impostor Syndrome, especially when they’ve been socialized to value others’ opinions of work above their own. People developing new skills are also prime sufferers, and this is something we are all familiar with, as geeks! Want help overcoming your Impostor Syndrome and decreasing its incidence in your community? This workshop is for you. Limited to 35 participants; signup is via email pre-convention to or at the Registration Desk if there are still spots available at con. Materials and handout will be provided. Run by Crystal Huff, the Executive Director of Inclusion Through Innovation and a former Executive Director of The Ada Initiative. Crystal has a long history of professional and volunteer work in various parts of tech and geek culture, with a particular commitment to anti-harassment and impostor syndrome work. She has been an invited speaker at events in Sweden, Finland, China, Canada, the UK, and across the USA. Crystal runs science fiction conventions in her spare time, and is co-chairing the upcoming 75th World Science Fiction Convention in Helsinki, Finland. A donation of 25 euros is requested from workshop participants. In a corporate setting, this workshop would cost $250 per person. |
Featured Place to visitMontjuïc Cemetery If cemeteries interest you, this is a miniature city of the dead covering 56 hectares on the seaward side of Montjuïc Hill by the Plaça d’Espanya (Plaza de España), the gateway to Barcelona built magnificently for the 1929 International Exhibition. Prosperous families who built modernista houses at the turn of the 19th century also commissioned mausoleums in this cemetery from architects, sculptors, and craftspeople, producing beautiful funerary art, mostly neo-Gothic. Some areas are very lovely, and views from higher up are spectacular. Route plans are available from the office at the main entrance (Mare de Déu del Port). Here too is the only collection of hearses in Europe, and a Roman crematorium.

Featured Places to eat well En Ville, at C/Doctor Dou 14, voted in La Vanguardia newspaper as one of the most beautiful restaurants in Barcelona, is veryclose to the convention. Menu of the Day: every day 13.00 to 16.00; À la carte dinner, except Sunday: 19.30 to 23.30.
Info in English is here.
Here is the à la carte menu with reasonable prices.
The varying lunch Menu of the Day will be very reasonable too. Glups (in the Friki Triangle, between Gigamesh and the Arc de Triomf) With direct access to Norma Comics, probably the best comic-book store in Barcelona, this charming little bar-restaurant is perfect for a quick informal lunch or dinner after a probably expensive visit to Gigamesh bookshop. The decoration is all about comics, and the Menu of the Day is advertised in their Facebook page (but do try the Tokyo Burger!). They also have a special menu for children. |
RENFE (Spanish trains) DiscountIf you are planning to come to the Eurocon and will arrive to Barcelona by train, RENFE (the Spanish national train operator) offers a 30% discount on the general fare. This discount is valid for any ticket on any train in an itinerary within Spain, which originates or terminates at Barcelona Sants or Barcelona Estació de França. The trip has to take place between the 2nd and the 8th of November, 2016. If you are planning to travel within Spain either before or after the Eurocon, this is a great opportunity. To obtain this discount, download the Autorización de Descuento (Discount Authorization) and take it to the booth when purchasing the ticket. If the ticket is bought over the internet, under the option “Tarifas y Descuentos Disponibles” (Available Rates and Discounts) there will be an option “Congresos / Eventos”, which will ask later for the authorization number you can find in the Discount Authorization. You can find here a RENFE Tutorial. This discount cannot be added to other commercial discounts. |