“The original idea of the panel comes from me (remember I told you a long time ago that the only suitable way was to create a network of people already working on SF). So, when Ian Watson and Cristina Macia came to Genova for New Year’s Eve, I went there and talked to them about it and proposed this panel.
So, of course I’ll be there!
I’ll come to Barcelona with my colleague on Future Fiction – Francesco Mantovani (who works in Madrid) – and we’d like to get to know other small publishing presses to coordinate our operations and try to work on a better level, sharing authors, best practices, translators, bloggers, critics, and influencers.
I guess that could be the right way to raise some consciousness.
Then each single press will work on their own language and country, not stepping on anybody’s foot but leveraging everybody else’s strength and value.
That’s what I want to talk about.” – Francesco Verso, italian SF writer, owner of Future Fiction
Within the 2016 Eurocon’s programme we are organising a Meeting of European Small Press Publishers of SF, Fantasy, and Horror.
We want to raise the level of communication between such publishers as regards socialising and making exchanges and collaborations easier.
The goal: to increase the number of books translated from and into all the European languages.
The extent and depth of this meeting will depend on the number of small presses which sign up. Please help us by sending this notice onward to any contacts who might be interested in selling books in their catalogue and/or buying rights of foreign SFF and Horror author within Europe.
How to register your press or publishing house?
No additional fee required!You just need to attend Eurocon 2016 in sunny, amazing Barcelona—and email Sofia Rhei at smallpress[at]eurocon2016[dot]org.
You can also contact me through Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sofia.rhei
All the information about the con, including Progress Reports, is here: http://www.eurocon2016.org
What do you need to do for the meeting?
Prepare to talk for 5 minutes about one book which you specially recommend (or about two books within 5 minutes). The book or books must have originally been written in your country’s tongue and published by your press.
We are looking for those special, original books with sales potential which deserve to be translated, the jewels of your catalogue. You will need to explain to the rest of the European publishers what makes this book attractive and suitable for foreign readers, preferably using brief key concepts and market hooks.
Also, don’t forget to bring your business cards, pamphlets, catalogues, merchandising material, and maybe some books to give away. We will have a nice cosy socialising space, some Spanish books to give away, and snacks.
Thank you,
Sofía Gonzáles
See you in Barcelona in November !
BCon (for Barcelona Con) is the name of the 2016 Spanish national convention Hispacon happening alongside the Eurocon. Most English speakers will pronounce this Beacon, as in lighthouse. Spanish speakers will tend to pronounce it bacon, as in breakfast or on pizzas.
For complete clarity, the Barcelona Eurocon happens on Friday 4, Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 November 2016, as the official website says.
We will have a Welcome Party in the convention hotel starting around 6.00 pm on Thursday 3 November, where people can register early. We will probably have a Dead Dog Party at the Moritz Brewery on Monday 7 November. The hotel’s pdf gives the dates of the convention as 4 to 7 November because the 7th is check-out day, unless you wish to stay longer in Barcelona.
Also, bear in mind that Gigamesh bookstore will be organising activities, probably in the evening, starting on Monday 31 October.