The Prix Rosny-Aîné is a literary prize for French science fiction. It has been awarded annually since 1980 in two categories: Best Novel and Best Short Fiction.
The winners of the 2015 Rosny Rosny Aîné have been announced at VALCON , the 42nd French National Science Fiction Convention held in Les Valayans, 20-23 August 2015.
Best Novel
“Bastards” by Yal Ayerdhal (Au Diable Vauvert Press)
Best Short Story
“L’Opéra de Shaya” (Shaya’s Opera) by Sylvie Lainé (ActuSF Press)
Yal Ayerdhal :
Sylvie Lainé :
J.-H. Rosny-Aîné was the literay pseudonym of Joseph Henri Honoré Boex (17 February 1856 – 11 February 1940), French author of Belgian origin who was one of the founding figures of modern science fiction.
Born in Brussels in 1856, he wrote in French, together with his younger brother Séraphin Justin François Boex under the pen name J.-H. Rosny until 1909. After they ended their collaboration, Joseph Boex continued to write under the name “Rosny-Aîné” (Rosny the Elder) while his brother used J.-H. Rosny-Jeune (Rosny the Younger) pen name.
Rosny-Aîné was the euro-continental equal of H. G. Wells or Olaf Stapledon in his concepts and his way of dealing with new ideas in his novels. He is one of the most important figures in the european science fiction.