The Bob Morane Award is a literary prize created in 1999 by Marc Bailly. It is awarded by a jury of French fiction professionals (writers, journalists, critics, collection managers).
It takes its name from the fictional adventurer Bob Morane (Bob Morane is the hero of a series of novels and comics, created in December 1953 by the Belgian writer Henri Vernes, for the paperback series “Marabout Junior” published by the editor André Gérard). Yesterday, the 9th of March 2015, the winners of the Bob Morane Price for 2015 were announced :
– the novel „Je suis ton ombre” (I am your shadow) by Morgane Caussarieu (Mnémos Press)
– the translated novel „Nexus” by Ramez Naam (Presses de la cité)
– the short story collection „L’Opéra de Shaya” (Shaya’s Opera) by Sylvie Lainé (ActuSF editions).
– the book of interviews „Clameurs – Portraits voltés” (La Volte Press) ; Richard Comballot is interviewing french SFF writers, : Alain Damasio, Stéphane Beauverger, Jacques Barbéri, Emmanuel Jouanne, Philippe Curval, David Calvo, Léo Henry.
The Prix de la Librairie L’Antre-Monde (Prize of the Lair-World Bookstore), 142, rue du Chemin Vert, Paris, France
Readers Award : “Les Etoiles de Noss Head“/The Stars of Noss Head (vol.5) by Sophie Jomain (Rebelle Press) and “Animae” (vol.1,2,3) by Roxane Dambre (Livre de poche)
The Jury’s Award : “Martyrs” by Olivier Peru (J’ai lu)
The Lantre-Monde Librarie (The Laird-World Bookstore) Award :
– the novel „La Voie des Oracles” (The Way of the Oracles) by Estelle Faye (Scrinéo editions), and the „Zombies” anthology from Griffe d’Encre Press.