
    The 2014 Utopiales Anthology – fourteenth edition (France)

    Utopiales 2014

    Cover’s illustration©Laura Sava, romanian digital artist

    Like every year since 2009, Actusf Press is publishing the official Utopiales Festival anthology. This year, unusually, the cover’s illustration is different from the poster. The anthology includes a dozen French and foreign authors with new short stories on the theme of the 2014 Utopiales Festival,  Intelligences.

    2014 Utopiales Festival : Wednesday,  the 29th of October – Monday, the 3rd of November, Nantes, France

    Poster’s illustration©Chris Foss & Utopiales

    The Anthology’s foreword belongs to Yannick Rumpala.

    Among the various texts, Laurent Genefort, Dominique Douay and Jean-Marc Ligny are in the area of ​​new life forms, Léo Henry takes us on a strange journey about a chess genius, Sylvie Denis revives a mummy in the near future with all the difficulties of adaptations that can lead to it, Barbara Sadoul offers a new version of the  Dracula myth (and this is the first play published in the Utopiales anthologies series), Sylvie Miller & Philippe Ward have written a new short story on their Gods Detectives… There is also an investigation of a strange albino case in Michael Moorcock’s short story while Jo Walton invites us to make a revolution togtether with an Artificial Intelligence, not to mention the disenchantment future described by Dmitry Glukhovsky. Last but not least, an excellent short story of K.W.Jeter.

    The 2014 Utopiales Anthology will be in bookstores in November.

    Table of Content :

    “Intelligence (s)” by Yannick Rumpala (Foreword)

    “Chaperon” (Riding Hood) by Laurent Genefort

    “Fe6 !! ou La Transfiguration de Bobby J. Fischer” (Fe6 !! or The Transfiguration of Bobby J. Fischer) by Léo Henry

    “Sleep” (En sommeil) by Jo Walton (translation: Sylvie Denis )

    “The Gospel According to Artyom” (L’Évangile selon Artyom) by Dmitry Glukhovsky (translation: Denis E. Savine)

    “Pas de deux sur la planète des ombres” (Step of Two on Shadows’ Planet) by Dominique Douay

    “Les Dracula anonymes” (Draculas anonymous) by Barbara Sadoul

    “The Affair of the Bassin Les Hivers” (L’Affaire du Bassin Les Hivers) by Michael Moorcock (translation: Nicolas Cluzeau)

    “L’Esprit de la roche” (The Spirit Of Rock) by Jean-Marc Ligny

    “Le Sage qui entre dans la paix” (The Wise who Enters Peace) by Sylvie Miller & Philippe Ward

    “Le court roman de la momie” (The Short Novel of the Mummy) by Sylvie Denis

    “Last Will” (Dernières volontés”) by K.W. Jeter (translation: Jean-Daniel Brèque)

    © Actusf


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