
    The 2013 Utopiales Awards (France)

    The 2013 Utopiales Awards had been announced :


    The European Utopiales Award:

    Exodus” by Jean -Marc Ligny , L’ Atalante , 2012 (France)


    The European Youth Utopiales Award:

    Nox , Down Here” (Nox, Ici-bas) by Yves Grevet , Syros Jeunesse, 2012 (France)


    The Best SF Comics Utopiales Award:

    Memories of the Empire of the Atom” (Souvenirs de l’empire de l’atome) by Alexander Clérisse and Thierry
    Smolderen , Dargaud , 2013 (France)


    Grand Jury’s Utopiales Award – Feature Films International Competition:

    File:Jodorowsky's Dune poster.jpg
    Jodorowsky’s Dune” by Frank Pavich, USA , 2013 (“Documentary film exploring Chilean-French director Alejandro Jodorowsky’s attempt to adapt and film Frank Herbert’s science fiction novel Dune in the mid-1970s.”)


    Jury’s Utopiales Award – European Short Films Competition:

    The Creator” by Al Holmes & Al Taylor , United Kingdom, 2012 (“Thinking Machines from the future search for their origins and destiny inside the dream diaries of their creator, Alan Turing. During therapy Turing discovers the secrets of his unconscious mind and what drives him to build a Thinking Machine.”)

    Sleepworking” by Gavin Williams, United Kingdom, 2012 (“In the near future a young woman becomes a sleepworker: her body is programmed to do menial labour while she is asleep. However, she starts to suffer disturbing side effects and embarks upon a dangerous journey to uncover what sleepworkers are really being made to do while unconscious.”)

    Trailer :


    Syfy Utopiales Award – Feature Films International Competition:
    Jodorowsky ‘s Dune ” by Frank Pavich, USA, 2013

    Public’s Utopiales Award – European Short Films Competition:

    Orbit ever after” by Jamie Stone, United Kingdom, 2013 (“SF Romance : Nigel has fallen in love. But when you live in orbit, aboard a ramshackle space hovel with the most risk-averse family imaginable, it isn’t easy to follow your heart – especially when the girl of your dreams is spinning around earth the wrong way !“)

    Trailer :

    Best RPG Script Utopiales Award:
    Long is the Night” (Longue est la nuit) by Cyril Puig and Stephan Roulc (France)

    Best Video Game Utopiales Award (Game Jam):
    Tard is paradox

    Julia Verlanger Award :

    The Parasol Protectorate” by Gail Carriger (US)


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