The Julia Verlanger Award is rewarding the best adventure novel – SF & Fantasy – of the year and it was established in 1986 on the initiative of Jean-Pierre Taieb (the husband Julia Verlanger aka Eliane Grimaitre). It is awarded by the Julia-Verlanger Foundation, acting under the aegis of the Foundation of France. (source: Wikipedia)
The finalists for 2012 are:
Pour quelques GigaHertz de plus (For a Few Gigahertz More) – Ophélie Bruneau (Ad Astra)
Points chauds (Hotspots) – Laurent Genefort (Le Bélial)
Vestiges – Laurence Suhner (L’Atalante)
The Road to High Saffron – Jasper Fforde (translated in french by Fleuve Noir)
Hard Magic – Larry Correia (translated in french by L’Atalante)
The Parasol Protectorate – Gail Carriger (translated in french by Orbit)
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