„Terra Nova” is an annual anthology of contemporary science fiction stories, to be published simultaneously in Spain and Argentina.
The tabel of contents of the first volume is:
Foreword: Luis Pestarini and Mariano Villareal (Argentina – Spain)
Cover Art by Ángel Benito Gastañaga (Spain)
„The Paper Menagerie” by Ken Liu (U.S.A.) ; 2011 Nebula Award for Best Short Story, 2012 Hugo Award for Best Short Story, 2012 Locus Award for Best Short Story, finalist, 2012 Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award finalist, 2012 World Fantasy Award finalist
„Deirdre” by Lola Robles (Spain)
„Memories of a zombie country” (Recuerdos de un país zombi) by Erick J. Mota (Cuba)
„Light a single candle” (Enciende una vela solitaria) by Victor Conde (Spain)
„Bodies” (Cuerpos) by Juanfran Jimenez (Spain)
„A Day Without Dad” by Ian Watson (U.K.)
”Memory” (Memoria) by Teresa P. Mira de Echeverria (Argentina)
„The Lifecycle of Software Objects” by Ted Chiang (U.S.A.) ; 2011 Hugo Award for Best Novella, 2011 Locus Award for Best Novella, 2011 Nebula Award finalist for Best Novella.
Date of release: December 2012
Price: 15 € (19,57 USD)
Pages: 250 approx.
Format: 15,5 x22cm paperback with flaps
ebook: soon
Editor: Sportula
Blog: http://novaficcion.wordpress.com
Contact: novaficcion@gmail.com
Terra Nova is an international cooperative project in which all contributions, whether in the form of stories, translations, illustrations, etc., are paid. Since the distribution is made solely to the bookshops, the most simple, convenient and advisable to get a copy is by subscription (option restricted to Spain for logistical reasons).
More details at: http://novaficcion.wordpress.com/suscripciones/