
    Swecon Gävle’s Steampunkfestival, (27-29 of June 2014) – Ahrvid Engholm (Sweden)

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    The Swedish Science Fiction & Fantasy National Convention (Swecon) is held together with the Gävle’s Steampunk Festival during 27th to 29th June 2014 at the Swedish Railway Museum in Gävle.

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    Nostalgic and retro, the Swecon Gävle’s Steampunkfestival, (27-29 of June 2014), plans to hire a train (how obsolete !) from Stockholm to Gävle (circa 172 km, north-west of Stockholm) which people can ride to and from the convention.

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    They need at least one hundred persons to book, and then the price will be circa 72 euros (there and back, return trip), if they get two hundred persons, it will be circa 36 euros. The price depends on who many train bookings they get. They promise old train cars (but the locomotive will be electric, though as I understand older style electric, not the most modern). It is ca 200 km between Stockholm and Gävle, which should take about 2 hours (depending on also how long the stop in Uppsala will be). I think there may be some sort of con related activities on-board the train.
    2014 Swecon’s special Guests of Honour: Cory Doctorow, Chris Wooding, Steven Savile (author), David J. Howe (author), Sam Stone (author), Nene Ormes (author), Anders Blixt (author), Mike Perschon (Steampunk Scholar, Canada), Elin Holmerin (publisher), Miriam Rosenberg Roček ( Steampunk Emma Goldman).

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    A local steampunk gathering at the Gävle’s Railway Museum where the Steampunkfestival will take place. Photo: Erik Larsson.

    Do you already know how to get to and from the festival? Think unconventionally! What about an offer no true steampunk-enthusiast could turn down: a journey with our own festival train!
    Mind you: The amount of seats is limited, there is only space for 200 people. The price lies between 318 (36 euros) and 636 crowns (72 euros), depending on how many enroll:

    If we, for example, are only 100 people, it’s the latter price that matters. After that, the price decreases more and more with every additional person. When we’ve reached the limit of our capacity, i.e. 200 people, the price is only 318 crowns (36 euros) per person.

    Curious ? 
    Welcome to a unique and unforgettable trip !” – Anna M. Mondry

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    Steampunk fans enjoying a phantastic unforgettable train ride !

    Info (in English): -tagresa/?lang=en



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