This month the first steampunk anthology in German language, Von Feuer und Dampf (About Fire and Steam) had been republished in a revised version. A new cover had been provided by the visual artist Georgie Retzer.
Sixteen authors from Austria and Germany built up an alternative world from the year of 1899. The contents of the stories are connected to each other. They set place in Berlin, Vienna, Hamburg and Munich.
General info:
Von Feuer und Dampf
Anthologist: Stefan Cernohuby
ISBN: 978-393913918-8
Publisher: Arcanum Fantasy Verlag
Prologue and Epilogue by Torsten Sträter
The stories:
Charlotte Engmann – Saubere Arbeit (Clean Work)
Oliver Hohlstein – Mit Begleitung (In Company)
Gerd Scherm – Der Rosenbaum-Golem (The Rosenbaum-Golem)
Felix Woitkowski – Puppenspieler (Puppeteer)
Andreas Gruber – Die Weltmaschine (The World Machine)
Claudia Hornung – Die Sache mit Valentin (The Matter with Valentin)
Nina Horvath – Die neue Eiszeit (The New Ice Age)
Stefan Cernohuby – Das Dampftaxi (The Steamtaxi)
Sylke Brandt – Exotische Intrigen (Exotic Intrigue)
Philipp Bobrowski – Kesselchen (Little Kettle)
Christine Schlicht – Die Luft der Freiheit (The Air of Freedom)
Michael Wozonig – Minimale Chancen (Minimal Chances)
Damian Wolfe – Raketen und Revoluzzer (Rockets and Revolutinary)
Marco Ansing – Der Automat-Imbiss (The Automatic Snack Bar)
Simone Edelberg – Das Trambahnritzenreinigungsweiberl (The Woman Who Cleans the Tramway Tracks)