Home News Spanish SF News – November 2013 by Ricardo Manzanaro (Spain)

Spanish SF News – November 2013 by Ricardo Manzanaro (Spain)



The 25th edition of the  Alberto Magno Scientific Fantasy Contest

Alberto Magno 2013

The Alberto Magno Science Fiction Contest organized by the Science and Technology University Faculty of the Basque Country University, reaches it´s 25th edition. It is one of the most important literary panish science fiction  contests and one of best economically endowed. During these years it edited several books including winner´s and finalists’ stories.
To celebrate the anniversary, its organized several ceremonies with lectures (some days ago with Miquel Barceló and Sergio Palacios) and films. Present edition winner and finalists will be proclaimed in December 20.
More information at: http://www.ehu.es/p200-content/es/contenidos/informacion/ciencia_tecnologia_certamen_pa/es_palmares/palmares.html

Hispacon 2013

Hispacon 2013_QuartPoblet

Between 14th and 15th of december the 2013 Hispacon  (the 21st edition of the Spanish SF Convention)  will be held in Quart de Poblet (Valencia). Some days ago the events and the lectures during convention were announced. Guests of Honor will be Luis Vigil, José Carlos Somoza, Juanma Santiago, Rafael Marín and Juan Miguel Aguilera. http://www.archerphoto.eu/hispacon/

The 2014 Celsius 232 Festival

The next summer,  a new edition of  Celsius 232 Festival of fantastic literature will be held in Avilés (north of Spain). The GoHs are already announced : Patrick Rothfuss and Brandon Sanderson. You can see 2013 festival photos at http://www.celsius232.es/

Literary contests
Rules of several Spanish literary contests were released :

The Domingo Santos Award – organized by AEFCFT (Fantasy Science Fiction and Terror Spanish Association): http://www.escritores.org/index.php/recursos-para-escritores/concursos-literario/9271-certamen-domingo-santos-2013-espana

The Alava Campus Basque Country University fantastic short story contest:


– Topic Story TerBi (Basque SF science fiction fantasy and terror association). Present edition topic is “Capitalism’s End: A New Economic Model”: http://www.escritores.org/index.php/recursos-para-escritores/concursos-literario/9314-iv-premio-terbi-2014-de-relato-tematico-fantastico-el-fin-del-capitalismo-el-nuevo-modelo-economicoespana

Espiral SF new titles
The “Espiral Ciencia-Ficción” collection of 52 titles, edited by Juan José Aroz since 19 years ago,  features new titles. For the first time, includes two novels in one volume: “Zaibatsu” by Diana P. Morales, and “La edad del vuelo” (The Flight Age) by Alberto Moreno Pérez. More information at: http://aroz.izar.net/nuestra-coleccion/titulo-actual/index.php



Ricardo Manzanaro


Ricardo Manzanaro Arana, a medical doctor and an university professor, is the President of the TerBi Asociación Vasca de CF Fantasía y Terror (TerBi Basque Association of Fantasy & Horror) from Bilbao, Spain. Ricardo has published over forty stories in various media and he’s a contributor to EUROPA SF and Amazing Stories.




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