“Sicilian Ghost Story” is a 2017 Italian drama film directed by Fabio Grassadonia and Antonio Piazza.
It is based on the real-life “Non saremo confusi per sempre” (We Won’t Be Confused Forever) short story in “Un cavaliere bianco” (A White Knight) volume by Marco Mancassola and was screened in the International Critics’ Week section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival.
“Sicilian Ghost Story”opened the 56th International Critics’ Week at Cannes Film Festival on 18 May 2017. It was the first time an Italian film opened the Critics’ Week, and received a ten minutes standing ovation.
Variety‘s review was outstandingly positive, stating that:
“With outstanding cinematography, underwater scenes and magical storytelling, the co-directors found a beautiful and strong way to tell such a tough story based on a true events.”
The Hollywood Reporter described the film as a:
“Superb technical work transforms cruel reality into a fable with many ramifications. If Grassadonia and Piazza had simply retold the story, it would have been gripping enough, but they deepen the intensity and widen the meaning by letting the tale unfold in a strange filmic space between cruel reality and ghostly fantasy.”
“Sicilian Ghost Story” won the David di Donatello for Best Adapted Script.
Directed by: Fabio Grassadonia, Antonio Piazza
With: Julia Jedlikowska, Gaetano Fernandez, Corinne Musallari
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