
    SF&F activities in Lithuania

    Today just some SF&F clubs are still operating in Lithuania.

    The Vilnius club “Dorado” (president Justinas Žilinskas) has no permanent seat and its club members meet only a few times a year. There are other clubs in Vilnius : “Lotus” (Magic:the Gathering club), “Laureatur” (live action role playing club), “Legionas” (“Warhammer” game club)

    The other lithuanian clubs are  “Feniksas” in Kaunas, “WAF” (World of Anime & Fantasy) in Klaipėda, “Daiskardas” (table game club) in Šiauliai, “Hexagon” (table game club) in Kaunas.
    Almost all operating clubs, except “Dorado” and “Feniksas” are concentrating not on literature, cinema, publishing etc. but on various games. People who admire and research creations of J.R.R. Tolkien gathers around Internet forum Tolkien Lietuva (

    As for now, there are no Lithuanian SF and F fanzines , except “Dorado Raganos”, which is issued irregulary and rarely (about one time a year). There is no professional magazine related to SF&F, but recently we have more and more translated books written by foreign authors, mostly modern and famous ones (such as G.R.R. Martin, Stephanie Meyer etc) launched by various publishing houses, which ten years ago didn’t publish SF&F at all.

    So interest in SF&F in Lithuania became more indvidual, people have enough books to choose, they communicate within the internet space and don’t have such a big need to gather in clubs as in previous times.
    The “official” site and forum of Lithuanian SF and F community is .
    The most prominent events are the conventions – “Lituanicon” once a year (one year in Vilnius, the other in Kaunas), and “RPGamta” (it is organized by the “Legionas” club, in summer and in a nature). The “Dorado” Club has a “camp of creativity” every summer. And there are some game fiestas.

    Lina Kulikauskienė  is a member of the Vilnius “Dorado” SF Club


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