Twenty-six French writers of science fiction and fantasy present at Le Salon du Livre (Book Salon) in Paris (March 22nd to 24th 2013)
The Les Indés de l’imaginaire programme organized by the ActuSF, Mnémos and Les Moutons électriques publishers at the H57 booth (Rhône-Alpes region) brings together over three days (Friday, March 22nd to Sunday, March 24th ) twenty-six French writers of science fiction and fantasy at the Salon du Livre in Paris: Ayerdhal, Xavier Mauméjean, Justine Niogret, Johan Héliot, Fabien Clavel, Erik Wietzel, Morgan Caussarieu, Techenet Antoine Alexandre Mare, Barillier Étienne Jacques Martel, Raphaël Albert, Raphael Granier of Cassagnac, Nicolas Fructus, Mathieu Gabor, David Camus, Paul Beorn, Adrien Tomas, André-François Ruaud, Julien Bethany Alexis Orsini, Régis Antoine Jaulin, Lionel Richerand, Estelle Faye, Alex Nikolavitch, Karim Berrouka.
An excellent opportunity for SF&F book launches and presentations (twenty-six events), discussions and conversations, autographs, and social conviviality with a vibrant segment of the French literature:,15612.html,15613