San Marino plans a Wordcon-bid. Pardon? San Marino, isn´t that one of these really, really, really small countries? Do all the Worldcon-guests even fit in?
Well, it is a serious bid (hopefully – but at least it had not been announced on April the 1st) and the future organizers think that it is possible to be host for 3.000 convention guests in a country with just 30.000 citizens. They advertise their event with pride: “Why settle for a convention in a city when you could have an entire country?”
If they win, the Worldcon is going to start on August the 7th 2019. We will see, if the fans will like the idea of overwhelming a certainly pleasant (I have been there once as a child, though my most vivid memory is persuading my parents to buy me lots of pretty stamps for my collection) tiny European country and make possible what has never done before . They can already support the bid.