Little, alas, have drawn our attention concerning the month of November to come. The editorial program looks cluttered by series and franchises. But here is still a small selection.
Ivan Yefremov (1908-1972)
First, just announced for the “end of the year,” at Molodaya Gvardya Publishing Press will appear in the prestigious series “The Lives of Great Men”, an essay by Nikolai Smirnov and Olga Eremina devoted to … Ivan Yefremov ! So far, few SF writers – Vladimir Obruchev, Alexander Belyaev, Aleksey Tolstoy – analysed in this series belonged to the first half of the twentieth century. This volume , published in 2012 after the one dedicated to the Strugatsky brothers, shows a certain openness to modernity.
Another potentially interesting book, even if for the moment we do not have the summary, will be an anthology edited by Vadim Panov , „The Mystery of Vengeance” (Мистерия мести, by Eksmo). This anthology is dedicated to his interesting series „Mysteries of the City”, which has consistently given us a lot of fun , even though we have not yet mentioned here .
Another thematic anthology based on the work of an author, „The Witcher’s Legends” ( Ведьмачьи легенды , by Eksmo ), edited by the Poles Paweł Laudański & Wojtek Sedeńko and based on Andrzej Sapkowski‘s work (published in France by Bragelonne Publishers).
The anthology was already published in March 2013 in Poland by Solaris Publishers, „Opowieści ze świata wiedźmina” (Tales From the World of Witcher).
Eight Russian-speaking authors have lent themselves thus to this exercise of fantasy, some of which we appreciate : Vladimir Vasiliev, Mikhail Uspensky, Maria Galina and Vladimir Arenev.
The table of content :
“Ballad of the Dragon” – Leonid Kudryavtsev
“One Eyed Orpheus” – Mikhail Uspensky
“Lutnia and all the Rest” – Maria Galina
“The Colors of Brotherhood” – Vladimir Vasiliev
“Cheerful, Innocent and Heartless” – Vladimir Arenev
“We Are Always Responsible For Those Who …” – Andrey Belanin
“The Occupants” – Aleksander Zolotko
“Games Seriously” – Sergey Legueza
© Patrice and Viktoriya Lajoye (France) Reposted by the permission of the authors. We’re thanking them.
The original posts in french are on the authors’ blog, Russkaya Fantastika : “Les parutions en russe – novembre 2013” :
Viktoriya and Patrice Lajoye are two specialists on the rusophone SF&F (russian and ukrainian ones), translators, editors and owners of the Russkaya Fantastika french speaking blog, a remarkable instrument and project dedicated to the analysis of the russian and ukrainian fantastika fiction, an important part of the European SF&F.