The Fantastic Short-Story Competition (“Fantastiknovelltävlingen”) is the biggest and longest running competition for science fiction, fantasy and horror short stories in Sweden, organised by the writers’ E-mail list SKRIVA. Its 14th edition had 110 entries and the following winners were selected:
1st prize: “Den hängda mannen” (“The Hanged Man“) by Jonas Lejon
2nd prize: “Intelligentare människor” (“More Intelligent People“) by Johannes Pinter
3rd prize: “De dansande stjärnornas natt” (“Night of the Dancing Stars“) by Robert Warreback
The jury consisting of authors Niklas Krog, Pia Lindestrand and Karolina Bjällerstedt Mickos also selected four honourable mentions written by Emanuel Blume, Jens Daniel Burman, Matilda Häggström and Roger Jervenheim. Winners share a prize sum of ca 300 USD – plus some fringe goodies – donated by the Short Story Masters (“Novellmästarna”) society.
Full details (alas, only in Swedish) plus the story comments by the jury available at
The 15th edition of the competition will be announced in the spring of 2014.
© Ahrvid Engholm