1. Europa SF Portal works as an open communication platform for all Science Fiction and Fantasy fans and professionals across all Europe.
2. Europa SF Portal does not substitute to any national or international Science Fiction organization. Its purpose is solely to inform fans and professionals about general and particular events concerning European Science Fiction community.
3. Anyone, fan or professional, could involve and become a contributor. The responsibility for the content of articles rests with the author. The articles will be published only under real names. Nicknames are allowed only with the real name. According to quality and number of written articles, contributors can advance to Author and Editor, which implies increased management rights on this site.
4. Articles should be:
- info and news about general and particular events across Europe such as: conventions, conferences, clubs meetings, festivals, book launch, book fairs and so on.
- authors and publishers presentation. Yes, we accept and encourage self promotion if it is made with decency.
- interviews with writers, publishers and activists in Science Fiction.
- reviews (books, movies, drama etc)
- essays, studies and theoretical works
There is no limit for articles length, except for info and news where concision is highly recommend. Copyrights for the content belongs to the author.
5. English language was chosen as “lingua franca” for all articles, but it is highly recommended that each article in English to be written also in native language of the author (where appropriate) and to be posted in extension. Considering that some of the contributors are not native English, please show leniency regarding the accuracy of expression.