Dan Lunt, Professor of Climate Science
11 March 2015, 6.00 PM, Reception Room, Wills Memorial Building, University of Bristol, UK
I am also carrying out work on the climatic impacts of geoengineering – the “intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment”.
I am an executive editor of the new EGU journal, Geoscientific Model Development, which is primarily for model descriptions, from box models to GCMs. The philosophy behind the journal, which aims to improve rigour and traceability in climate modelling, is described here.”
14 March 2015, 1.00 PM
Bruce Hood
Watershed, Bristol Harbourside, Bristol
Ethologist and Evolutionary Biologist, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Author, ‘The Selfish Gene’, ‘The Blind Watchmaker’
Dr. Sue Blackmore
Psychologist and Memeticist, Bristol, United Kingdom
Author, ‘Introduction to Consciousness’
Ugo Bardi
Professor of Physical Chemistry University of Florence
Author, ‘The Limits to Growth Revisited’
President of the Association for peak oil and Gas (Italy)
Ian Robertson
Professor of Psychology
Director of Trinity College Neuroscience Dublin, Ireland
Azim Sharif
Professor of Psychology (Religion, Morality, Cultural and Evolutionary Psychology) University of Oregon
Dr. Dario Maestripieri
Professor of Comparative Human Development, Evolutionary Biology and Neurobiology, University of Chicago
Author, ‘Games Primates Play’, ‘Machiavellian Intelligence’
Kari Norgaard
Professor of Sociology University of Oregon
Author, ‘Living in Denial: Climate Change, Emotions and Everyday Life’
Maureen O’hara
Professor of Psychology
President International Futures Forum
George Dyson
Science Historian and Writer
Author, ‘Darwin among the Machines: The Evolution of Global Intelligence’
Dr. Robert Gifford
Professor of Psychology and Environmental Studies University of Victoria, Canada Author, ‘Environmental Psychology: Principles and Practice’
Dr. Harvey Whitehouse
Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology Oxford University, UK
David Korton
Economist and former Professor Harvard Business School
Author, ‘When Corporations Rule the World’, ‘The Great Turning’
Clive Hamilton
Professor of Public Ethics, Center for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethics University of Melbourne, Australia
Author, ‘Requiem for a Species’,
‘Earthmasters: The Dawn of the Age of Climate Engineering’
Dr. Jorgen Randers
Professor of Climate Strategy at the Bl Norwegian Business School
Author, of Limits to Growth (1972) and 2052
Deputy Director of the World Wildlife Fund from 1994 to 1999
Dr. Bruce M. Hood
Professor of Psychology and Director of the Cognitive Development Center, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Author, ‘SuperSense: Why We Believe the Unbelievable, ‘The Self Illusion’
Dr. Joseph Tainter
Professor of Anthropology, Utah State University
Author, ‘The Collapse of Complex Societies’, ‘The Way the Wind Blows: Climate, History, and Human Action’, ‘Drilling Down: The Gulf Oil Debacle and Our Energy Dilemma’.
Dr. Brian Fagan
Professor Emeritus of Anthropology University of California Santa Barbara
Author, ‘The Attacking Ocean’, ‘Elixir’, ‘The Long Summer: How Climate Changed Civilization’
Dr. Michael Shermer
Psychologist, and Science Historian
Author, ‘The Believing Brain’, ‘Why Darwin Matters’
Dr. Robert Trivers
Evolutionary Biologist, Rutgers University
Author, ‘The Folly of Fools; the Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life’, ‘Natural Selection and Social Theory’, ‘Genes in Conflict’
Dr. Paul Piff
Professor of Psychology Institute of Personality and Social Research University of California Berkeley Dissertation: ‘On wealth and wrongdoing: How social class influences unethical behavior’.
Paul Roberts
Journalist and Author, ‘End of Oil’, ‘End of Food’
Contributor to the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, and The Guardian (UK), Slate, USA Today, The New Republic, Newsweek, The Christian Science Monitor, Rolling Stone
Dr. William Catton
Professor Emeritus of Sociology
Author, ‘Overshoot: ‘The Ecological Basis of Revolutionary Change, ‘From Animistic to Naturalistic Sociology, ‘Bottleneck: Humanity’s Impending Impasse’
Dr. Thomas Metzinger
Professor of Philosophy, Director of the Theoretical Philosophy Group at the Department of Philosophy of the Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz.
Author, ‘The Ego Tunnel’
Michael Thoma
Professor of Film Studies, Capilano University Canada
Author, Writer and Producer for Viacom Pictures, MGM and UPN Paramount
John Stauber
Founder Center for Media and Democracy, PR Watch and SourceWatch
Author, ‘Weapons of Mass Deception’, ‘Toxic Sludge is Good for You’
Cynthia Matzke
Marine Biologist Masters Scripps Institute of Oceanography
Dr. John Marra
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) NCDC Regional Climate Services Director, Pacific Region. Former Senior Scientist, Coastal Natural Hazards Specialist at NOAA IDEA Center, PSGS Senior Coastal Hazards Specialist at NOAA Pacific Services Center.
University of Canterbury, The University of Montana, Stanford University