
    New release: “Cat’s Whirld” (Sonrisa del gato) by Rodolfo Martínez – Ricardo Manzanaro (Spain)

    Sonrisa gato

    This year sees the 20th anniversary of the publication of Rodolfo Martínez‘s debut novel “La sonrisa del gato (Cat’s Whirld), which was also the first Spanish cyberpunk novel. Released in 1995 to public and critical acclaim, the book went on to win the Ignotus Award (the Spanish equivalent of the Hugo Award) in 1996.

    Now, to commemorate this 20th anniversary, the novel has been translated into English by Steve Redwood and is now with a new cover by Maciej Garbacz.

    The neutral Convergence Space Station No. 1, known as the Whirld, is the unofficial but deadly battleground in which several Galactic powers fight, by all means at their disposal, to obtain a certain piece of information that would inevitably determine their whole future. But then an all-powerful malevolent AI, for reasons known only to itself, also enters the game…

    Cat’s Whirld“, a book indispensable for understanding the evolution of Spanish science fiction, is an original fusion of thriller, cyberpunk, and space opera, with unforgettable characters, and a frenetic pace and rhythm that never falter; a hybrid novel in which elements from distinct genres make a surprisingly harmonious whole.

    Originally published in 1995, it was the first cyberpunk novel in Spanish; a specially remarkable achievement in that it was also the first of Rodolfo Martínez’ many novels, and yet was not afraid to tread new ground, and, moreover, to do so with great narrative confidence. Twenty years later, the story still retains its power, as fresh and exciting as ever.

    © Ricardo Manzanaro

    Rodolfo Martínez (born in 1965, Candás, Asturias) is a Spanish writer of science fiction, fantasy and thrillers.

    He studied English but failed to graduate and since 1995, works as a computer programmer.

    He began publishing stories in the spanish magazines and fanzines in the nineties (Maser, BEM, Transit, Elfstone, Kenbeo Kenmaro, Parsifal, Fevre Dream, Core Ubik …) and in 1995 published his first novel, „La sonrisa del gato” (Cat’s Whirld).

    Rodolfo Martínez is a personality within the fandom in Spain not only as an author, but also due to it’s work for different fannish associations and publications.

    Rodolofo is the author of 18 novels.

    Also he’s an exegete of Isaac Asimov : in 2012 he published a study named „La ciencia ficción de Isaac Asimov” (The Science fiction of Isaac Asimov).

    In 2009, Rodolfo creates the imprint Sportula and, through it, using digital printing on demand, published his novel “El adepto de la Reina” (The Queen Adept). In 2010, through Sportula also, he edits “El carpintero y la lluvia” (The Carpenter and the rain), the first of four volumes of his “Drímar” narrative cycle. Not content with that, he publishes the electronic edition of “El sueño del Rey Rojo” (Dream of Red King). In 2011 publishes “Sondela” at Dolmen Press and “Fieramente humano” (Fiercely Human) with NGC Fiction!. Also, at Sportula he publishes “El Jardín de la Memoria” (The Garden of Remembrance), part of the cycle initiated with “El adepto de la Reina” (The Queen’s Adept).

    In 2013 publishes „Jormungand”, the third volume of the „Drímar” cycle.

    In 2014 he ends that cycle with „Bifrost” and publishes a new novel from the “Ciudad” (City) cycle: „Las astillas de Yavé” (The Splinters of Yahweh).


    “La sonrisa del gato” (Cat’s Whirld) (1995)

    “Tierra de nadie: Jormungand” (No Man’s Land: Jormungand) (1996)

    “La sabiduría de los muertos” (The Wisdom of the Dead) (1996)

    “El abismo te devuelve la mirada” (The Abyss Will Gaze Back) (1999)

    “Sherlock Holmes y la sabiduría de los muertos” (Sherlock Holmes and the Wisdom of the Dead) (2004)

    “El sueño del Rey Rojo” (The Dream of Red King) (2004)

    “Los sicarios del cielo” (The Hitmen of the Sky) (2005)

    “Sherlock Holmes y las huellas del poeta” (Sherlock Holmes and the Footsteps of the Poet) (2005)

    “Sherlock Holmes y la boca del Infierno” (Sherlock Holmes and the Mouth of Hell) (2007)

    “Sherlock Holmes y el heredero de nadie” (Sherlock Holmes and the Heir of Anybody) (2008)

    “El abismo en el espejo” (The Gap in the Mirror) (2008)

    “El adepto de la Reina”  (The Queen’s Adept) (2009)

    “Sondela” (2011)

    “Fieramente humano” (Fiercely Human) (2011)

    “El Jardín de la Memoria” (The Garden of Remembrance) (2011)

    “Jormungand” (2013)

    “Bifrost” (2014)

    “Las astillas de Yavé” (The Splinters of Yahweh) (2014)




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