An interesting article on Locus Online on the Italian Speculative Fiction by Fulvio Gatti :
“SF in Italy: Lucca Comics & Games 2019: The Flying Saucer Has Finally Landed?” by Fulvio Gatti
“Lucca is no ordinary place for the speculative Italian community, since it was the original Urania curators – Carlo Fruttero e Franco Lucentini – who in the ’60s said that “Un disco volante non può atterrare a Lucca” (“a flying saucer will never land in Lucca.”)
They wanted to underline the anglo-saxon origin of the classic SF masters they had brought to our market, but during the years the sentence has become a curse: Italy will never have its own speculative writing scene.
This is why the main SF panel, held in the stunning Teatro del Giglio, was called “Quando un disco volante atterrò a Lucca!“”(“Now the flying saucer lands in Lucca.”), hosted by writer Licia Troisi.”
© Fulvio Gatti & Locus