The Kurd-Laßwitz-Preis is an annual German science-fiction award. It is named after the author Kurd Laßwitz, who is also known as “the father of German science-fiction”. The award has a tradition back until 1980. In two ballots persons who are specialists on science-fiction like authors, editors, publishers and journalists vote for the best works that have been published in the previous year. Nominations are for works in German language only (the nationality of authors and other nominees is irrelevant) or for translations into German.
But now the nominees for 2013:
(Note: The words in capital letters are the names of the publishing houses. Please note that the English titels were just translated quickly for Europa SF – I am not a professional translator.)
Best novel:
Pia Biundo, Alle Zeit der Welt (All Time In The World) Saphir im Stahl |
Andreas Brandhorst, Das Artefakt (The Artefact) Heyne (52865) |
Dietmar Dath, Pulsarnacht (Pulsarnight) Heyne (31406) |
Richard Dübell, Toufec (Toufec) (Perry Rhodan, Band 2659) VPM |
Frank W. Haubold, Die Gänse des Kapitols (The Goose of The Capitol) (Götterdämmerung, Band 1) Atlantis |
Oliver Henkel, Die Fahrt des Leviathan (The Crossing of the Leviathan) Atlantis |
Michael Marrak, Das Königreich der Tränen (The Kingdom of Tears) in: Post (Hrsg.): 2012 – T minus Null, Begedia |
André Pilz, Die Lieder, das Töten (The Songs, The Killing) Haymon |
Chris Schlicht, Maschinengeist (Machine Spirit) Feder & Schwert |
Best short prosaic work:Matthias Falke, Der Bruch der nordwestlichen Stelze (The Breaking of The Northwestern Stilt) in: Hebben / Hilscher / Iwoleit (Hrsg.): Nova 19, Eigenverlag |
Klaus N. Frick, Im Käfig (Inside The Cage) in: Moreau / Wipperfürth / Kemmler (Hrsg.): Exodus 29 Eigenverlag |
Marcus Hammerschmitt, Der Ethiker (The Ethicist) in: Hammerschmitt: Nachtflug, Shayol (SF 1024) |
Michael K. Iwoleit, Zur Feier meines Todes (For The Celebration of My Death) in: Iwoleit: Die letzten Tage der Ewigkeit, Wurdack |
Heidrun Jänchen, Stadt in der Steppe (City in The Steppe) in: Jänchen: Willkommen auf Aurora, Wurdack |
Karsten Kruschel, Teufels Obliegenheiten oder: Der gewaltsame Frieden (The Devil´s Obligation or: The Forced Peace) in: Hilscher / Iwoleit (Hrsg.): Nova 20, Eigenverlag |
Thorsten Küper, Rekonstruktor (Reconstructor) in: Hilscher / Iwoleit (Hrsg.): Nova 20, Eigenverlag |
Michael Marrak, Der Kanon mechanischer Seelen (The Canon of The Mechanic Souls) in: Hilscher / Iwoleit (Hrsg.): Nova 20, Eigenverlag |
Dirk Röse, Mondpräsidentin (President of The Moon) Textlustverlag |
Best foreign work (translated into German in 2012):Kevin J. Anderson & Doug Beason, Trinity (The Trinity-Paradox), Atlantis |
Paolo Bacigalupi, Schiffsdiebe (Ship Breaker), Heyne (146/01) |
David Brin, Existenz (Existence), Heyne (52993) |
Ted Chiang, Die Hölle ist die Abwesenheit Gottes (Hell is The Absence of God) (Original compilation) Golkonda |
Peter Dehmel (Hrsg.): Die Erde und die Außerirdischen (Earth and The Aliens) (Original compilation) Wurdack |
Ian McDonald, Cyberabad (River of Gods), Heyne (52973) |
China Miéville, Stadt der Fremden (Embassytown), Bastei Lübbe (20679) |
John Scalzi, Redshirts (Redshirts), Heyne (52995) |
Best Translation:Frank Böhmert & Michael Preissl & Christiane Schott-Hagedorn & Sebastian Wohlfeil for the translation of James Tiptree jr., Zu einem Preis (original comiplation: At A Price), Septime |
Andreas Brandhorst for the translation of David Brin, Existenz (Existence), Heyne (52993) |
Birgit Herden & Dorothea Kallfass & Hannes Riffel for the translation of Paolo Bacigalupi, Der Spieler (Originalzusammenstellung), Golkonda |
Arno Hoven for the translation of China Miéville, Stadt der Fremden (Embassytown) Bastei Lübbe (20679) |
Christian Humberg for the translation of S.D. Perry, Einheit (Unity) (Star Trek – Deep Space Nine) Cross Cult |
Heyne (31444)
Best cover picture /illustration:Lothar Bauer for the cover for: Boldt / Jeschke (Hrsg.), Die Stille nach dem Ton (Silence After The Sound) p.machinery |
S. Beneš for the cover for: Paolo Bacigalupi, Der Spieler, Golkonda |
Arndt Drechsler for the cover for: Andreas Suchanek, Das dunkle Fragment (The Dark Fragment) (Heliosphere 2265, Band 1), SELF PUBLISHER |
Thomas Franke für das Titelbild, Backcover und Galerie in Moreau / Wipperfürth / Kemmler (Hrsg.): Exodus 29 (Exodus 29), SELF PUBLISHER |
Martin Frei for the series of covers for: Star Trek TNG: Doppelhelix 1-6, Cross Cult |
Timo Kümmel for the cover for: Hilscher / Iwoleit (Hrsg.): Nova 20 (Nova 20), Eigenverlag |
Timo Kümmel für das Titelbild zu Oliver Henkel, Die Fahrt des Leviathan, Atlantis |
Max Meinzold für die Titelbilder zu Jay Lake, Die Räder der Welt + Die Räder des Lebens (The Wheels of Life) (Mainspring 1+2), Bastei Lübbe (20656+20664) |
Alexander Preuss für das Titelbild zu Matthias Falke, Ruinenwelt (World of Ruins), Begedia |
Dirk Schulz für das Titelbild zu Frank Borsch, Welt der Ewigkeit (World of Eternity)(PR Neo, Band 24), VPM |
Best Radioplay:Unerwartete Ereignisse (Unexpected Events) von Heinz von Cramer (director: Burkhard Schmid), HR (20.5.2012)Puppenstadt (City of Dolls) von Bodo Traber & Tilman Zens(director: Petra Feldhoff; composition: Raoul Haarmann)
Bargain Price for an Acievement on SF in 2012:Ralf Boldt und Wolfgang Jeschke for being anthologists of Die Stille nach dem Ton (Silence After The Sound) |
Frank G. Gerigk & Petra Hartmann for being anthologists of Drachen! Drachen! (Dragons! Dragons!) Jürgen Schütz for publishing the complete works of James Tiptree Jr.
Bargain Price for an Acievment on SF over years:Jürgen Doppler for his columna of the online issue of der Standard |
Der Freundeskreis Science Fiction Leipzig e.V. (Dirk Berger, Thomas Braatz, Mario Franke, Manfred Orlowski, Sabine Seyfarth) for 20 years of organization of the ElesterCon on a high level and for the best con-book |
Michael Haitel for his efforts in the German fandom as anthologist and Publisher of the Andromeda Nachrichten and other works and as blogger, discussion-board junkie and for his work in the SFCD (=Science Fiction Club Germany) |
René Moreau & Heinz Wipperfürth & Olaf Kemmler for publishing of Exodus, a magazine for SF-short stories |
Roger Murmann & Christian de Ahna & Birgit Fischer & Kurt Zelt for the organization of the BuchmesseConvent |
Markus Rohde for his struggle to keep the passion for Star Trek alive in Germany, for being edito in chief of the magazines Geek and Space View editor for Star Trek in the publishing house Cross Cult and for |
Robert Vogel for his constant efforts in the German Fandom, e.g. by making speeches |
Ernst Wurdack for supporting German science-fiction and new talents as a publisher by publishing anthologies and story collections |