“If Liviu Radu – center of the picture – would be born in the United States, his talent and his prolificity as writer and storyteller would propelled him among the most important names of the world’s science fiction” – Radu Pavel Gheo, Romanian writer
The Romanian Society for Science Fiction&Fantasy announces with sorrow and consternation the premature death on October 17th, 2015 of the romanian writer Liviu Radu, distinguished author of science fiction and fantasy, critic, journalist and translator, member of the Writers Union of Romania and of the Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society.
Liviu Radu was laureate of the Ion Hobana Award and a nominee for the Writers Union of Romania Awards, a creator of a powerful originality, a generous colleague, a exemplary and devoted friend, a true science fiction fan.
Liviu Radu was the initiator and organizer of the first 2010 edition of the Ion Hobana National Colloquiums dedicated to the criticism and exegesis of the Romanian science fiction and fantasy.
He participated reading and commenting at meetings of the Romanian Society for Science Fiction&Fantasy’s ProspectArt SF Club, contributed with fiction to the Fantastica.ro Magazine and the annual Romanian Society for Science Fiction&Fantasy’s anthologies “Alte Țărmuri” (Other Shores, 2009), “Pangaia” (Pangaea, 2010), “Venus” (2011), “Călătorii în timp” (Time Travels, 2013), “Xenos” (2014).
Liviu Radu, born on November 20, 1948 in Bucharest, was one of the most important writers of science fiction and fantasy in Romania after 1990. In 1971 he graduated the Faculty of Automatics, Department of Computer Science, the Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest, Romania.
He wrote numerous novels and short-story volumes. He debuted in 1993 in the Quasar Magazine with the short story „Faţa nevăzută a planetei Marte” (The Unseen Face of Planet Mars) and over the years has collaborated with numerous romanian SFF publications and periodicals: Jurnalul SF, Colecția Povestirilor Științifico-Fantastice, ArtPanorama, Lumi virtuale, ProScris, Nautilus.ro, Anticipatia Almanac, Fantastica.ro.
In 1999 he published his first volume, the novel “Trip-Tic“.
He signed also novels like “Opțiunea” (Option, 2004), “Spaime” (Terrors, 2004), “Waldemar” (2007), “Blocul câș” (The Crooked Block of Flats, 2008), “După-amiază cu bere și zâne” (Afternoon with Beer and Fairies, 2009), “Modificatorii” (The Modifiers, 2010), “Lumea lui Waldemar” (The World of Waldemar, 2010), “Chestionar pentru doamne care au fost secretarele unor bărbați foarte cumsecade” (Questionnaire for Ladies Who Were Secretaries of Very Decent Men, 2011), “Vânzoleli nocturne” (Night Flurries, 2012), “Armata moliilor” (The Moths Army, 2012)”, “La galop prin piramidă” (At Gallop Through the Pyramid, 2013), “Înfruntarea nemuritorilor” (The Clash of the Immortals, 2014) and short stories collections of, “Spre Ierusalim” (To Jerusalem, 2000), “Constanța 1919” (2000), “Babl” (2004), “Cifrele sunt reci, numerele-s calde” (Digits Are Cold, Numbers Are Hot, 2006), “Povestiri fantastice” (Fantastic Stories, 2008), “Ghicit de seară” (Evening Fortune Telling, 2010), “Singur pe Ormuza” (Alone On Ormuza, 2011), “Golem, Golem” (2014), “Între cer și pământ” (Between Heaven and Earth, 2015).
He was awarded the Vladimir Colin Grand Prix, the Imagination Seniors Award (Eagle Publisher & the Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society), the Ion Hobana Award (Romanian Science Fiction&Fantasy Society), the 2010 Eurocon Encouragement Award.
He distinguished himself also as a translator with titles belonging to the authors such as Isaac Asimov, George R.R.Martin, Neil Gaiman, China Miéville, Abraham Merritt, Dean Koontz, etc.
We will dedicate our friend and colleague Liviu Radu commemorative moments during the meetings of our ProspectArt SF Club, Friday, October 30th, 2015 and the Ion Hobana Colloquium, Saturday, November 14th, 2015.
By his departure the romanian literature and the world’s science fiction suffers an irreparable loss.
God rest his soul !
“Digits Are Cold, Numbers Are Hot” : read it online !
„O introducere în opera lui Liviu Radu” (An Introduction to the Work of Liviu Radu) by Florin Pîtea (Millennium Books, Romania, 2014)