After ten years since the original publication, the icelandic SF novel “Love Star” by Andri Snær Magnason, translated into english by Victoria Cribb, is published by the Seven Stories Press. His novel, „LoveStar” was chosen “Novel of the year” by Icelandic booksellers 2002, it received the DV Literary Award and a nomination to the Icelandic Literary Prize. “Love Star” had been translated also into german (by Tina Flecken, published in 2010) and into hungarian (2012).
Read an excerpt :
„Lovestar (2002) by Andri Snær Magnason (1973- ) is a near-future SF novel set in Iceland where an Icelandic company called Lovestar has found a way to link all humans wirelessly together, so that they are effectively always online, as well as featuring genetic engineering and other scientific future-exploits.” – Alexander Dan Vilhjálmsson (The Encyclopedia of Science Fiction)
His children’s SF novel “The Story of the Blue Planet” is the winner of the Icelandic Literary Prize / The Janusz Korczak Honorary Award / The National Theatre Prize for New Plays / Nomination for the IBBY International Honour List 2001 for illustrations / The West Nordic Literature Prize 2002 / Nomination for the Nordic Children’s Book Award / Nomination for The Reykjavik Educational Council Children’s Book Prize / Nomination for the IBBY Award / Nomination for 5 DORA awards -Toronto 2005 / Published in 25 languages / Staged in 5 countries and has been published in the following countries: France (Gallimard), Italy (RCS Libri/Fabbri Editori); Spain (Omega), Denmark (GAD), Sweden (Kabusa), Faroe Islands (Bókadeildin), Greenland (Atuakkiorfik), Estonia (Eesti Raamat), Yugoslavia (Izdavacka Kuca Draganic); Thailand (Image Publishing). Serbia (Draganic), South Korea (Seoul media), Greece (Patakis), Norway (Karviland), Finland (Pieni Karhu), Japan (Gakken), Germany (Leibziger kinderbuchverlag), China (Bjkpress) , Lithaenia (Zara), Hungary (Koronia), coming soon in Russia, Brazil, Norway and finally – in english.