
    GRADIGNAN 2016 : The 43rd French National Science Fiction Convention, 25th – 28th of August

    GRADIGNAN 2016, the French National Science Fiction Convention is taking place in Gradignan, Bordeaux Métropole,  between Thursday the 25th until Sunday the 28th of August 2016, at the chateau de Moulerens, Chemin de Pichey, 33170 Gradignan, France.

    Gradignan is a commune in the Gironde department in southwestern France. It is a suburb of the city of Bordeaux and is located on its southwest side. Thus, it is a member of the metropolitan Urban Community of Bordeaux.

    Guests of Honor :  the SF writers Pierre Bordage, Laurent Genefort, the artists Christian Grenier and Pierre le Pivain, the astrophysicist Roland Lehoucq, the planetologist Franck Selsis.

    Among the participants are Natacha Vas-Deyre, Pierre Stolze, Sylvie Thomas, Jean-Claude Dunyach, Dominique Douay, Jean-Louis Trudel, Pierre Gevart, Georges Bormand, Eric Picholle, Anouk Arnal, Joseph Altairac, Jean-Luc Rivera, Danielle Martinigol, Gilles Menegaldo, etc.

    The French National Science Fiction Convention is an annual meeting organized in France – or, exceptionally, in a neighbouring Francophone country – by amateurs and professionals of science fiction. The Convention brings together the registered folks (the vast majority of guests), the Guests and the Organizers: this set  makes up the whole of the “participants” to the Convention.

    This is an internal meeting, not to be confused with a „salon littéraire” or a festival. It is also an opportunity to award literary prizes: The Rosny-Aîné Awards (novels and short-stories) and the new Cyrano Prize awarded for the contributions to science fiction. The Alain Le Bussy / Galaxies and Pépin Awards may also be included.

    The first French National SF Convention was launched in 1974 by the SF writer Jean-Pierre Fontana in Clermont-Ferrand. The event has since been held annually, with most of the time by a different organizer and a different structure and in fact, each year since 1974, the Francophone world of science fiction meets for a few days, often around a theme, to exchange ideas, to attend conferences and panels, debates, etc. Uniquely, each edition is a new event with a new location, new organizers, and a different theme.

    The 44th French National Science Fiction Convention will be organized in 2017 (13th – 16th of July 2017) in Meylan, near Grenoble.


    Chateau de Moulerens, Chemin de Pichey, 33170 Gradignan, France





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