
    Goldener Stephan – German Award on Speculative Fiction 2020

    Goldener Stephan – this is relativly a new German award on speculative fiction. The result of the public voting was announced at the 17th of October 2020 at the BuchmesseCon, which happened online this year.

    Here are the results:

    Best Debut Novel:

    1st Place: Christian Pelz: Finn Feuerherz & der Fluch der 7 Königreiche
    2nd Place: Björn Klages: Der schwarze Meister Baltharas
    3rd Place: Pia Backmann: Der elbische Patient

    Best Book of Speculative Fiction for Children/Teenagers:

    1st Place: Finn Feuerherz & der Fluch der 7 Königreiche
    2nd Place: Karl Mays Magischer Orient #9 Das Geheimnis des Lamassu
    3rd Place: Das Schwarze Auge: Mischa, der Wolf & der Goblin

    Best Comic / Graphic Novel

    1st Place: Loki: Der Gott, der zur Erde fiel
    2nd Place: Die Krone der Sterne #1 Nachtwärts
    3rd Place: Wonder Woman: Verschollen

    The places 4-10 are going to recieve the „Kristallenen Stephan“:

    – Berserker Unbound
    – Birds of Prey: Huntress
    – Captain Marvel #1 Eine für Alle, Alle für Eine
    – Drachenblut #12 Der andere Weg
    – Metro 2033 #1 Wo die Welt endet
    – Star Wars Sonderband #116 Zerstörte Hoffnung
    – Valkyrie #1 Strahlender Todesengel

    Bestes Work of Speculative Fiction (novels, anthologies, novellas etc.)

    1st Place: Düsteres London
    2nd Place: Zwergenstahl und Drachenfeuer: Die Königin von Hamb 
    3rd Place:  Finn Feuerherz & der Fluch der 7 Königreiche 

    The places 4-10 are going to recieve the „Kristallenen Stephan“:

    – Ace in Space
    – Das Schwarze Auge: Mischa, der Wolf & der Goblin
    – Die Phileasson-Saga: Echsengötter
    – Die Phileasson-Saga: Elfenkrieg
    – Queer*Welten #1
    – Shadowrun: Marlene lebt
    – Waypoint FiftyNine

    In a few days nominations are going to start for the second part of the award. It is going to deal with role-playing-games and cardboard games.


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