
    German SF in series: Death, birth and rebirth

    German speaking Science Fiction is famous for its manifold series – the eternal “Perry Rhodan”, just reaching episode 2670, is not the only one.

    Recent weeks have seen some major developments in this area, as the major competitor of “Perry”, the bi-weekly booklet-series “Sternenfaust” (“Starfist”) has been cancelled with novel # 199. While fans have been disturbed by the fact that the other existing weekly or bi-weekly publications are not SF in its purest sense (mostly they relate to a rather ambigiuous “soft horror” or “post-doomsday”-genre), small presses have taken up the gauntlet and have announced some new projects.

    Former “Sternenfaust”-authors have already launched a website for their project “Heliosphere 2265”, which is supposed to be published as ebook as well as paperback. The well-known small press Wurdack is obviously planning a series based on a shared-universe concept, envisaging at least four paperbacks and ebooks every year (without any further details known at this point of time).

    And the SF-series “Rettungskreuzer Ikarus” (“Search-and-rescue-ship Icarus”) has launched a monthly reprint of its – at current – around 50 episodes, obviously in order to attract former “Sternenfaust”-subscribers to it. Other news indicate that additional small presses intend to widen their program of SF-series or accelerate those already in print. Be it in ebook or on dead tree: It seems that German SF-fans quite consistently cherish the endlessness of Science Fiction.


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