
    Futuriales Festival, 13th-14th of June, Aulnay-sous-Bois (Paris), France


    Futuriales” (this is the fifth edition), the Festival of imaginary literature from Aulnay-sous-Bois, was created in 2010 by the Aulnay-sous-Bois network of libraries and the  „Folies d’encre” (Ink’s Folies) Bookshop.

    Aulnay-sous-Bois is a French commune in the Seine-Saint-Denis department in the Ile-de-France region in the north-eastern suburbs of Paris, France. It is located 13.9 km (8.6 mi) from the centre of Paris.

    Futuriales” honors the all imaginary genres, science-fiction, fantasy, fantastika, offering a valorisation space, visibility and meetings with readers.  “Futuriales” allows the dissemination of imaginary genres to the general public.

    Jacques Prévert Hall and Cinema

    Futuriales” invites its visitors to discover or rediscover a representative panel of French literature production of the imaginary with the participation of sixty SFF authors. “Futuriales” is taking place under the sign of friendliness and celebration, and propose to the participants conferences, panels, readings, booth games run by the A Thousand and One Games Association, film sessions, etc. An original and fun way to explore the imaginary genres in different forms.

    While science fiction and its subgenres are a real success in bookstores with an increasing volume of constant publication, these genres remain under-represented in libraries.

    Young authors, as publishers, have difficulty in getting a place in the publishing world and when they get to publish, they do not always have the necessary means to advertise their work.

    2013 Futuriales Awards Trophies

    The organizers’s aim is to promote the young writers, “Futuriales” being a meeting place between readers, authors and publishers, a common space of sharing and reflection.

    For the 2014 edition, the Futuriales’ theme is the Space Opera (interstellar travel, time paradoxes, aliens), the driver of the festival, and a conference and a panel are dedicated to the subject. More than 60 authors, authors of comics and illustrators will come to meet science fiction and fantasy fans and curious people of all ages in order  to train them for a fantastic journey.

    GoH is Jean-Pierre Andrevon and between the participating authors and artists Ayerdahl, Laurent Genefort, Laurence Suhner, Pierre Gévart, Manchu, Samantha Bailly, François Baranger, Lionel Behra, Maïté Bernard, Karim Berrouka, Michel Borderie, Pauline Bock, Alain Brion, David Bry, Morgane Caussarieu, Jean-Christophe Chaumette, Christian Chavassieux, Fabien Clavel, Cathy Coopman, Julien Delval, Jean-Philippe Depotte , Jack Domon, Franck Ferric, Olivier Getcher, Régis Goddyn , Julien Heylbroeck, Jean-Pierre Joblin, Kara, Sylvie Lainé, Sylvain Lasjuilliarias, Taï-Marc Le Thanh, Gwendal Lemercier, Meneas Marphil, Sylvie Miller, Justine Niogret, Marie Pavlenko, Feldrik Rivat, Anne Rossi, Bénédicte Taffin, Antoine Traqui, Caroline Vermalle, etc.

    Many personalities that the public can meet, discover their works and visions, participating to lectures and discussions, artists with whom they can exchange ideas and concepts during the book signings that punctuate the festival.

    Dumont Library

    Program :

    Friday, June 13th

    Special Evening Futuriales Cinema (Cinema Jacques Prévert)

    • 20 h 30: „Edge Of Tomorrow”

    • 22 h 45: „Galaxy Quest”

    Saturday, June 14th

    10.00: Official opening

    10.15 -12.00: Arduino Scientific Workshop

    11.00: The 2014 Futuriales Awards  Welcome Address

    • ” Adult Revelation Award” presented by Jacques Etienne Ully (bookseller) and delivered by Laurence Suhner

    The 2014 finalists are :


    „Point zéro” – Antoine Tracqui (Critic)

    Roman SF Dominium Mundi Tome 1 François Baranger

     „Dominium mundi” – François Baranger (Critic)


     „Le sang des 7 Rois” (The Blood of the 7 Kings), vol II – Régis Goddyn (Atalante)

     • “Futuriales High Schoolers Award” presented by the libraries team and the Voillaume Highschool and delivered by students

    The finalists are :

    „Les lumières de Haven” (The Lights of Haven) – Pauline Bock (Scrineo)

    „Gigante, au nom du fils” (Giant, in the Name of the Son) – Alain Grousset (Atalante)

    „Coeurs de rouille” (Hearts of Rust) – Justine Niogret (Le Pré aux Clercs)

    „Hantés” (haunted) – Anne Fakhouri (Rageot Editeur)

    14.00 – 15.00: Panel: The Mooks: Redesign of SF Journals ?

    Vincent Jerome (Fiction), Thomas Bauduret (Mythologica), Pierre Gévart (Galaxies), Yohan Vasse ((Présences d’Esprits)

    Jean-Pierre ANDREVON

    15.15 – 16.15: Meeting with Jean-Pierre Andrevon

    Jean-Pierre Andrevon will present his unique encyclopedia “Hundred Years and More of Fantastic Film and Science Fiction”, Rouge Profond Publishers

    16.30 – 17.30: Panel: “The Space Opera in the literature of science fiction”

    François Baranger, Genefort Laurent, Laurence Suhner and Arnaud Duval

    18.00 : Closing speeches : Jacques-Etienne Ully (Folies d’Encre Bookshop) and Cyrille Jaouan (Aulnay-sous-Bois Library)

    Live video streaming :



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