Rachel Cordasco, founder of SF in Translation.com, has launched the inaugural “Favorite SF in Translation” poll for non-Anglophone speculative fiction that has been translated into English and published between January 1 and December 31, 2018. Winners will be chosen by a readers’ survey, open for voting until March 1, 2019.
Rachel Cordasco said, “Hopefully this will encourage more readers to learn about non-Anglophone speculative fiction, and thus, the global trends in a genre that itself explores the excitingly new and unfamiliar.”
For more information, see SFinTranslation.com: https://www.sfintranslation.com/?p=6109
Rachel Cordasco has a Ph.D in literary studies and currently works as a developmental editor.
She’s written for Strange Horizons, World Literature Today, the SFRA Review, Foundation, Locus, Tor.com, and other publications.
In 2016, Rachel started SFinTranslation.com, which tracks all speculative fiction available in English, and she’s recently started translating Italian sf.
Rachel’s translations of Clelia Farris, Nicoletta Vallorani, and Maurizio Cometto were featured in Clarkesworld Magazine, Samovar Magazine, and The Silent Garden Volume 1.
You can follow her on twitter @Rcordas and on the SF in Translation facebook page.