
    EUROCON 2019 (TITANCON) : Belfast, Northern Ireland (22-24 August 2019)

    EuroCon is the short name for the European Science-Fiction Convention. Each year the convention moves to a new country, a new city, a new fandom to explore and learn more about. By moving around the European continent this way it widens the diversity and openness of fandom for everyone that attends.

    Who runs the business meeting?

    The EuroCon Business Meeting is run by the European Science Fiction Society (ESFS). Just to be clear ESFS do not run the EuroCons, the winning bid committee run each event. ESFS administrates and organises the European SF Awards which are voted for during the Busines Meeting and awarded during the Closing Ceremony.

    Belfast (Northern Ireland) is thrilled to be hosting EUROCON (Titancon) 2019:

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    The 2019 EUROCON, from Thursday the 22nd August to Sunday 25th August!

    EUROCON 2019 Guest of Honour

    The 2019 Eurocon (TitanCon) is delighted to announce the first Guest of Honour – none other than the one and only…

    …George R. R. Martin!

    TitanCon 2019 Featured Participants

    Island of Ireland Literature

    Worldwide Literature

    ”Game of Thrones”


    2019 EUROCON Venue – the Hilton Belfast

    The main venue for the convention will be the 4-star Hilton Belfast hotel. The Hilton is situated on the banks of the Lagan River in the heart of the city. For the Eurocon, all of the Hilton’s function space was secured (with 9 meeting rooms including the Lagan Ballroom which will seat up to 450 people) and two-thirds of the 198 available bedrooms. See the accommodation page for more information on the accommodation options at the Hilton and elsewhere.

    The Hilton is located directly adjacent to the Waterfront Convention Centre. The Waterfront opened a new state of the art conference space in 2016 to complement their existing Concert Hall. The Studio will be used for the bigger programme items.

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    TitanCon originated as a collaboration between several different groups who joined together to reach a common goal. On one side was the Brotherhood Without Banners (BWB) who wanted to put on a fan convention for Game of Thrones in Belfast and on the other was Belfast SF/F society The Other Ones, including Logan Bruce from Studio NI, who wanted to put on a SF/F convention in Belfast. And on the third side – did I mention there are three sides? – was Arkham Gaming Centre and TableTopNorth who wanted to put on a gaming convention in Belfast. The collaboration began on a Sunday evening in Dublin at Octocon 2010…

    Belfast is welcoming you with its warmest hospitality and invite you to relax and enjoy the vibrancy of one of Europe’s most dynamically developing cities.

    The 2019 EUROCON (TitanCon) offers a rich, diverse, and interesting programme of events. Over the last few years TitanCon developed from a A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones shadow birth into a broad convention, which offers strong literature and media focused programming as well as skilled workshops, gaming, art, and your dealer’s stalls – and a whole bucket of fun 🙂

    The 2019 Eurocon will follow this model, offering great programming featuring local and visiting participants, as well as a community day on Sunday, which will feature a medieval-styled TitanCon feast and our much loved coach tour of the Giants Causeway and Game of Thrones filming locations.

    Programming will start at approximately 3pm on Thursday and finish at approximately 6pm on Saturday, with evening entertainments planned on Thursday and Friday. There is no programming planned for Sunday other than the coach tour and Feast.

    TitanCon decided to limit membership sales to 700 members, consisting of 650 weekend ‘Attending’ memberships and 50 ‘Daily’ memberships. This cap was set on memberships (ie. a maximum number of members that will attend each day of the weekend) to prevent overcrowding. By limiting the amount of members TitanCon is trying to make sure there is room for everyone, with the aim that people get to see even the most popular programme items.

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