On eurocon.org.ua, which is the oficial website for 2013 Eurocon, you can find the draft program of the event. Organized in nine blocks, the draft looks pretty interesting, promising to offer to participants a lot of topics of interest.
Here it is the draft:
Block 1: Presentations of future Eurocons and European Worldcons; recollection of previous Eurocons: (in English, with Russian/Ukrainian translation)
- Presentation of the 2014 Worldcon in London (Committee: Stephen Cooper et al.)
- Presentation of the 2014 Eurocon in Dublin (Committee: James Shields, Gareth Kavanagh)
- Presentation of the St. Petersburg bid for the 2015 Eurocon (bid committee: Alexander Sidorovich et al.)
- Presentation of the Antwerpen bid for the 2016 Eurocon (bid committee: Peter de Weerdt, Frank Beckers)
- Presentation of the Dortmund bid for the 2017 Eurocon (bid committee)
- Presentation of the Finnish bids for Worldcon in 2015 or 2016 and Eurocon in 2017 (bid committees)
- How to run a Eurocon: Chairs of the 2010, 2011, 2012 Eurocon committees share their experience (Piotr Cholewa, Carolina Gomez Lagerlöf, Petra Bulić)
Block 2: Accounts on the current state of science fiction in the key European countries as well as in the countries spotlighted due to Eurocons and Worldcons (in English, with Russian/Ukrainian translation)
- Science Fiction in Great Britain: current state and new trends (round table of several UK attendants moderated by Cheryl Morgan; others TBA)
- Science Fiction in Ireland (James Shields, Gareth Kavanagh)
- Science Fiction in Belgium (Peter de Weerdt, Frank Beckers, Frank Roger)
- Science Fiction in Germany (SF Deutschland: Eckhard Marwitz, Mathias Kunkel)
- Science Fiction in Finland (participants TBA)
- Science Fiction in France (participants TBA)
- Presentation of Antares, French SF magazine (Anouk Amal, Eric Picholle)
- Science Fiction in Poland (participants TBA)
- Science Fiction in Ukraine [introduction for foreign attendees] (participants TBA)
Block 3: Miscellaneous А (in English, often with Russian/Ukrainian translation)
- Sergey Berezhnoy “FX in Early Cinema: from Melies to King Kong”
- Mikhail Nazarenko “Chimerical prose: magic realism, made in Ukraine”.
Block 4: Miscellaneous B (in Russian or Ukrainian, possibly with English translation)
- Volodymyr Arenev “From Westeros to Malazan. Present-day Epic in Western Fantasy: Trends, Roots, Evolution”.
- Feodor Berezin “Nuclear Apocalypse in Science Fiction, and Why Russian SF Was Late with That”.
- Yana Dubynyanska “Whether the Tracks of Science Fiction and Literature Diverge Once Again?”.
- Marina & Sergey Dyachenko “On Science Fiction Today and Tomorow”.
- Volodymyr Yeshkilev “Science Fiction as Repayment of Literature’s Debts”.
- Yuriy Ivanov and Gleb Gusakov “Specific Features of Ukrainian Book Publishing and Book Trade”.
- Yevgen Makukhin “Good Doctor Frankenstein”.
- Mikhail Nazarenko “James Branch Cabell – Forgotten Demiurge”.
- Henry Lion Oldie “Yugen, or Japanese Policeman’s Ghost”.
Block 5: Authors speak and communicate with the audience
- Volodymyr Arenev
- Marina & Sergey Dyachenko
- Henry Lion Oldie
Block 6: Children’s Eurocon
- “Space Wonderworld” children’s picture contest
- “Fantastic Dreams” children’s costume contest
- Children’s Carnival
- Children’s Educational Master Classes
Block 7: Zoryana Fortetsya events (in Ukrainian)
- Zoryana Fortetsya writers’ union master class summing up the 10th anniversary story contest «The Other Life».
- Seminar-cum-workshop on synopses.
- Presentation of the bibliographical web-site «Argonavty Vsesvitu».
Block 8: ESFS official events (in English)
- 1st day ESFS Meeting (presentation of candidates running up for the ESFS officers; presentation of the 2015 Eurocon bids; approval of amendments to the ESFS Constitution)
- 2nd day ESFS Meeting (presentation of the ESFS Award nominees)
- 3rd day ESFS Meeting (election of the new ESFS officers, voting for the 2015 Eurocon bids and for the ESFS Awards)
- ESFS Awards Ceremony (possibly run jointly with the Committee’s award ceremony). (here there be Ukrainian translation)
Block 9: The Committee’s official events (in Ukrainian and English in parallel)
- Opening ceremony
- The Committee’s award ceremony (possibly run jointly with the ESFS Awards Ceremony)
- Closing ceremony
Please have in mind that the program draft can suffer major modifications in time, so it is advisable to visit often the website event.