
    ”EAST OF A KNOWN GALAXY. An Anthology of Romanian SF Short Stories”

    Romanian SF is almost a century and a half old. And today, Romanian SF is still alive and vivid, with its sense of humour and lyricism and mocking exuberance. Science fiction is a global phenomenon, indeed !” – Cornel Robu

    We hope that this anthology will be a pleasant acquaintance with contemporary Romanian SF and Fantasy literature.
    ”East of a Known Galaxy”, a title which came up while editing “Helion Online Magazine”, one of the most important literary publications of its kind in Romania, became our battle cry in the months prior to the publication of this collection.
    While reading dozens of stories – Romanian or Eastern European, we wondered why so few of us (here in the East, but also in Europe) are known outside our country, on the “big SF/Fantasy stage” as some may call it.

    Is it bad luck? Is it the language?

    Is it the themes and subjects we tackle? It certainly isn’t quality, originality or talent. This book bears witness to this claim”. – Daniel Timariu & Cristian Vicol, Editors

    Imagini pentru east of a known galaxy

    A Word from the Editors
    A Note on Romanian Science Fiction Literature from Past to Present – Mariano Martín Rodríguez

    Silviu Genescu – ”Transformation”
    Daniel Timariu – ”Bodies to Let”
    Cristian Vicol – ”Radio Killed the Video Star”
    Florin Purluca – ”The First Man to Walk on the Moon”
    Miloș Dumbraci – ”Tiger-men”
    Teodora Matei – ”Cursed Night!”
    Liviu Surugiu – ”The Dinner”
    Alexandru Lamba – ”Bug
    Lucian-Dragoș Bogdan – ”The Story of Xieng Baohui”
    Cătălina Fometici – ”Beyond Night’s Veil”
    Lucian-Vasile Szabo – ”Mary Stenton Returns to the Motherland”
    Ciprian-Ionuț Baciu – ”Serpents among the Scent of Algae”

    Collection: SFFH
    Tritonic Publishing House, Bucharest, Romania
    August 2019

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