The Deutscher Science Fiction Preis (=DSFP) is an annual science-fiction award for the best short story and the best novel written in German language. Each winner is going to get a prize of 1000 euro cash, sponsored by the SFCD, Germany´s largest science-fiction club. The awarding ceremony will be at the WetzKon in Wetzlar, Germany. Here are the nominations for 2015:
Best Short Story:
»Der Klang der Posaunen« (“The Sound of the Trumpets”) by Arno Behrend, in »Schuldig in 16 Fällen« (“Guilty in 16 Cases”), publisher: p.machinery, ISBN 978-3957650078
»Terradeforming« (“Terradeforming”) by Arno Behrend, in »Schuldig in 16 Fällen« (“Guilty in 16 Cases”), publisher: p.machinery, ISBN 978-3957650078
»Revenge« (“Revenge”) by Diane Dirt, in »Bullet«, edited by Sven Klöpping, publisher: p.machinery, ISBN 978-3957650153
»Der Mechaniker« (“The Mechanic”) by Thorsten Küper, in »Bullet«, edited by Sven Klöpping, publisher: p.machinery, ISBN 978-3957650153
»Extremophile Morphologie« (“Extremophilic Morphology”) by Jakob Schmidt, in »Tiefraumphasen« (“Stages of Deep Space”), edited by André Skora, Armin Rößler and Frank Hebben, publisher: Begedia, ISBN 978-3957770066
»Knox« (“Knox”) by Eva Strasser, in »Tiefraumphasen« (“Stages of Deep Space”), edited by André Skora, Armin Rößler and Frank Hebben, publisher: Begedia, ISBN 978-3957770066
Best Novel:
»Das Kosmotop« (“The Kosmotope”) by Andreas Brandhorst, publisher: Heyne Verlag, ISBN 978-3453315440
»Feldeváye: Roman der letzten Künste« (“Feldeváye:: Novel of the Last Arts”) by Dietmar Dath, publisher: Suhrkamp, ISBN 978-3518465103
»Drohnenland« (“Land of Drones”) by: Tom Hillenbrand, publisher: KiWi, ISBN 978-3462046625
»MUC« (“MUC”) by Anna Mocikat, publisher: Knaur, ISBN 978-3426515402
»Alpha & Omega: Apokalypse für Anfänger« (“Alpha & Omega: Apocalypse for Beginners”) by Markus Orths, publisher: Schöffling, ISBN 978-3895614736
»Kernschatten« (“Umbra”) by Nils Westerboer, publisher: Leander Wissenschaft, ISBN 978-3981536850
[Please note: English titles are not official.]