
    Digital Magazine miNatura’s english language version


    Revista Digital miNatura (Digital Magazine miNatura) is a free online spanish language magazine which have published 132 issues dedicated to the hispanic (spanish language) speculative fiction from Spain and Ibero-America.

    The magazine’s coordinators are the spaniards Ricardo Acevedo Esplugas y Carmen Rosa Signes Urrea.
    It usually presents more than thirty short stories related to a theme, interviews and articles.

    The present issue is about famous and controversial “Area 51”.

    Last issues present an english version. You can read the issue 132 in english language  at:

    The summary of the issue 132:

    Main cover:  “Area 51” by Andrzej Siejeński (Poland)

    Interview: “Five women related to fantasy talk about the state of the genre in Spanish language : Susana Sussman – Venezuela, Cristina Macías – Spain,    Chely Lima – US, Carmen Cabello – Spain, Ana María Shua – Argentina) ” by Cristina Jurado (Spain)

    Fiction : “Fear, Lies & China Ink: More simple impossible” by Rubert (Brazil), “The X File Area 51” by Odilius Vlak (Dominican Republic), “Indiana Jones Returns to Home” by Salomé Guadalupe Ingelmo (Spain), “Majestic 12” by Federico Miguel Aldunate (Argentina), “Secrets”  by Ms del Socorro Candelaria Zárate (Mexico), “Christ” by Peter Domínguez (Puerto Rico), “Silicon” by María L. Castejon (Spain), “Stories of Vortexes: The Traveler” by Graciela Marta Alfonso (Argentina), “The correct place” by Omar Martínez (Cuba), “I am a Reptilian” by Tomas Pacheco Estrada (Mexico),”Routine” by Jaime Magnan Alabarce (Chile), “Top Secret” by Francisco Manuel Marcos Roldan (Spain), “Kairós” by Pablo Martínez Burkett (Argentina), “Behind the line/ Patricia K. Olivera (Uruguay), “The body” by Diego Galán Ruiz (Spain), “Angels of Death” by Peter Domínguez (Puerto Rico), “The 51 Square of the Alien Hopscotch” by Odilius Vlak (República Dominicana), “Infiltrates” by Francisco J. Segovia Ramos (Spain), “Green Thumb” by Salomé Guadalupe Ingelmo (Spain), “Exorcism 51” by Sebastián Ariel Fontanarrosa (Argentina), “Infiltrator” by Francisco Manuel Marcos Roldan (Spain), “Hollywood” by Ernesto Parrilla (Argentina), “That” by Francisco J. Segovia Ramos (Spain), “In the Zone” by Jorge Zarco Rodríguez (Spain), “Silver Ship” by Claudio Leonel Siadore Gut (Argentina), “Atomic Projector” by Francisco Manuel Marcos Roldan (Spain), “The Man of the Future” by Francisco J. Segovia Ramos (Spain), “Invasion” by Dolores Espinosa Márquez (Spain), “Catalogue” by Francisco Manuel Marcos Roldan (Spain), “Under Sandlot of Nevada” by Francisco J. Segovia Ramos (Spain), “Lost in Abduction” by Carmen Rosa Signes Urrea (Spain), “Raid in Area 51” by Ricardo Manzanaro (Spain), “Autopsy” by Francisco J. Segovia Ramos (Spain), “UFO” by Dolores Espinosa Márquez (Spain), “Owners” by Raúl Alejandro López Nevado (Spain),  “The Unsuspected Heir” by Carlos Díez (Spain), “Kamikaze” by Candela Robles Abalos (Argentina)

    Article: “Lights and Shadows” by Mari Carmen Caballero Álvarez (Spain)
    Back cover  : “Winter Planet” by Miguel Gámez Cuevas (Spain)

    Editing Managers: Ricardo Acevedo Esplugas y Carmen Rosa Signes Urrea
    Editor: Ricardo Acevedo Esplugas
    Cover design: Carmen Rosa Signes Urrea
    Avenida del Pozo 7 San Juan de Moró, 12130, Castellón de la Plana, España/Spain

    Congratulations for such excellent initiative ! 


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