
    The Winners of the DSFP (German Award on Science-Fiction) 2015


    The Deutscher Science Fiction Preis (=DSFP) is an annual science-fiction award for the best short story and the best novel written in German language. Each winner is going to get a prize of 1000 Euro cash, sponsored by the SFCD, Germany´s largest science-fiction club. The awarding ceremony this year will be at the WetzKon in Wetzlar, Germany.


    But, I will finally get to the point and announce the winners! They are:

    Eva Strasser with her short story “Knox”. The story had been published in “Tiefraumphasen” (~”Stages of Deep Space”), an anthology by the publisher Begedia. The other winner is Markus Ohrts with his novel “Alpha & Omega: Apokalypse für Anfänger” (~”Alpha & Omega: Apocalypse for Beginners”) by the publisher Schöffling.


    For all the nominations, please KLICK HERE.


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