

    ‘Extraction 2’ Has Wrapped Filming After 5 Months of Snowy Sets

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he played mild-mannered insurance salesman Truman Burbank. The dramatic comedy tells the story of a man whose day-to-day life is secretly fabricated for a TV audience. Everything from Truman’s wife to his friends to the neighborhood he lives in is part...

    GLAAD Media Awards Honors Hacks, Eternals, and More in 2022 Ceremony

    Actor and comedian Jim Carrey says that the fastest he ever said yes to a role was 1998’s The Truman Show, in which he played mild-mannered insurance salesman Truman Burbank. The dramatic comedy tells the story of a man whose day-to-day life is secretly fabricated for a TV audience. Everything from Truman’s wife to his friends to the neighborhood he lives in is part...


    “Not just one of the world's leading science fiction festivals  but one of the finest genre events in the world regardless of the genre...

    2019 British Fantasy Awards Winners

    The British Fantasy Society announced the winners for the 2019 British Fantasy Awards on October 20, 2019 during FantasyCon 2019 at the Golden Jubilee Conference Hotel in Glasgow, Scotland.Best Fantasy...

    2019 World Fantasy Awards Winners

    The World Fantasy Awards winners for works published in 2018 have been announced. The awards were presented November 3, 2019 during World Fantasy 2019 (WFC) at...

    2019 Prix Utopiales Winners (France)

    Winners of the 2019 Prix Utopiales Awards were announced at the Nantes International Science Fiction Festival, held October 31 – November 4, 2019 at the Nantes Convention Center in...

    The 20th Edition of UTOPIALES, The International Festival of Science Fiction: 31st October – 4th November 2019 (Nantes, France)

    Europe’s Biggest Science Fiction Festival, UTOPIALES, will take place in Nantes (France) between the 31st of October – 4th of November 2019.Utopiales is a...

    Spanish SF&F Events: AnsibleFest & Luminaria

    2nd edition of the AnsibleFest (Bilbao, Spain): The second edition of AnsibleFest, feminist science fiction festival, was held in Bilbao on September 6th...

    Romanian SF Fandom Flunked – Again

    I have acted in a strategic-advisory capacity to the Romanian 2021 Eurocon bid. I will continue to do so for as long as my...

    Next Eurocons

    The 2020 Eurocon (FUTURICON) will be in Rijeka, Croatia. and will be hosted by Rikon from Friday 2nd to Sunday 4th October 2020.”Rikon...

    2019 ESFS Awards

    The European Science Fiction Society announced the winners of the 2019 ESFS Awards on August 24th at the 41st Eurocon in Belfast, Northern Ireland.European...

    EUROCON 2019 (TITANCON) : Belfast, Northern Ireland (22-24 August 2019)

    EuroCon is the short name for the European Science-Fiction Convention. Each year the convention moves to a new country, a new city, a new...


    ”What does it take to get through?CounterClock is being read in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland,...


    Pan-European vs. Pan-American - Mugur Cornila, Chief EditorAt times, things go haywire. In a tiny corner or even in plain sight. And the system so...