The first issue of the new journal Brumal (Research Journal on the Fantastic/Revista de investigacion sobre lo fantastico) is now posted at (
Articles on the fantastic are in Spanish, English, Portuguese, French, and Italian in this issue. A truly international team, international languages and topics. An initiative of The Study Group on the Fantastic (Grupo de Estudios sobre le Fantastico). Congratulations !
“At noon it is already night in Brumal”.
“With these unsettling words, which close the short story, Spanish author Cristina Fernández Cubas synthesises the fantastic dimension of the mysterious place in which “Los altillos de Brumal” (“The Attics of Brumal”) is set: a space of blurry limits and dimensions, a liminal territory (it is not a coincidence that, combining its letters, the world “threshold”, umbral in Spanish, is formed) that does not appear in maps and yet is part of our world. Brumal is a domain that subverts our codes of reality.” – Brumal
The editorial team consists of :
Director: David Roas, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Spain ; Editor in Chief: Teresa López Pellisa, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain; Editorial Team – Ana Casas, Universidad de Alcalá, Spain; Patricia García, Dublin City University, Ireland; José Güich Rodríguez, Universidad de Lima, Perú, Perú; Flavio García, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro – UERJ -, Brazil; Dale Knickerbocker, East Carolina University, U.S.A.; Raquel Velázquez Velázquez, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain; Coordinator of the review section – Borja Rodríguez Gutiérrez, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain.
Space and the fantastic (El espacio y lo fantástico)
Vol. I, n.º 1 (Primavera/Spring 2013) PDF (Español)
Presentación / Introduction
Patricia García
Monográfico (Monograph)
The fantastic hole: towards a theorisation of the fantastic transgression as a phenomenon of space
Patricia García
Alteraciones y alteridades del espacio en los cuentos de Felisberto Hernández y Horacio Quiroga: una geopoética de lo fantástico (Alterations and Otherness of Space within the the Tales of Felisberto Hernández and Horacio Quiroga: Geopoetics of the Fantastic)
Audrey Louyer Davo
Lar amargo lar: moradias insólitas nas narrativas de Clarice Lispector e de Murilo Rubião (Home Bittersweet Home: Unusual Houses in the Narratives of Clarice Lispector and Murilo Rubião)
Marisa Martins Gama-Khalil
Case di morti. L’interno domestico come spazio perturbante tra il teatro antico e la drammaturgia di Maeterlinck e Strindberg (Houses of the Dead. The Domestic Interior as a Perturbing Space Between the Ancient Theater and the Drama of Strindberg and Maeterlinck)
Nicola Pasqualicchio
Lampedusa, roman de Rafael Argullol : un territoire pour le fantastique ? (“Lampedusa”, a Novel by Rafael Argullol: a Territory for Fantastic ?)
Daniel-Henri Pageaux
Miscelánea (Miscellany)
Literaturas de la certeza y de la duda ontológica. Propuesta clasificatoria para la ficción distanciada (Literatures of Certainty and Ontological Doubt. A Classifying Proposal for a Distanced Fiction)
Alejo Gabriel Steimberg PDF (Español)
Thomas Ligotti: los delirios de una mente rota (Thomas Ligotti: the Delusions of a Broken Mind )
Sergio Armando Hernández Roura PDF (Español)
Reseñas (Reviews)
Elton Honores (ed), Lo fantástico en Hispanoamérica, Cuerpo de la Metáfora, Lima, 2011. (“The Fantastic in Hispanic America”)
Camilo Fernández Cozman PDF (Español)
José María Martínez (ed.), Cuentos fantásticos del Romanticismo hispanoamericano, Cátedra (Letras Hispánicas), Madrid, 2011. (“Fantastic Short Stories of the hispano-american romanticism”)
Dolores Phillipps-López PDF (Español)
Marie-Soledad Rodríguez (ed.), Le Fantastique dans le cinéma espagnol contemporain, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, París, 2011. (“The Fantastic of the Contemporary Spanish Movies”)
Rubén Sánchez PDF (Español)
Silvia Zangrandi, Cose dell’altro mondo. Percorsi nella letteratura fantastica italiana del Novecento, ArchetipoLibri, Bologna, 2011. (“Things of an Other World. Italian courses in Italian Fantastic Literature of the Twentieth Century”, )
Nicola Pasqualicchio PDF (Italiano)
Alvaro Biondi, Il tempo e l’evento: Dino Buzzati e l’«Italia magica», Bulzoni, Roma, 2010. (“Time and the Event: Dino Buzzati and the « Magic Italy»”)
Silvia Zangrandi PDF (Italiano)
Nota sobre los autores (About the Authors) PDF (Español)
The Study Group on the Fantastic (Grupo de Estudios sobre le Fantastico), led by Prof. David Roas, consists of researchers from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), Alcalá University (Spain), the University of Barcelona (Spain) and Dublin City University (Ireland). Its key objectives, as its name suggests, has to do with the study of the fantastic in all its forms (narrative, theater, cinema, comics, TV and video games) and from a multidisciplinary perspective, including literary theory, comparative literature, criticism and literary history, visual studies, history and theory of theatrical performance, game theory, cyberculture studies, philosophy and aesthetics.
GEF (Grupo de Estudios sobre lo Fantástico) :