Last week, one of the major German SF-conventions, the “BuchmesseCon”, normally organized along the traditional book fair in Frankfurt, has seen the announcements of this year’s “Deutscher Phantastik Preis”, one of the major awards in the field. Unlike other awards which are based on the judgement of a jury or a poll among professionals, the “DPP” is given by the audience – the readers, viewers and fans of fantastic literature and media, voting through an online-based poll every year. The award is not restricted to SF, therefore it is no surprise that normally Fantasy wins the day. These are the two major winners of the DPP 2012 (for publications in 2011):
Best German novel:
1) Markus Heitz: Vernichtender Hass (Piper)
2)Kai Meyer: Arkadien fällt (Carlsen)
3) Andreas Eschbach: Herr aller Dinge (Bastei Lübbe)
4) Bernd Perplies: Gegen die Zeit (Lyx)
5) Gesa Schwartz: Nephilim (Lyx)
Best German novel debut:
1) Kerstin Pflieger: Die Alchemie der Unsterblichkeit (Goldmann)
2) Thomas Elbel: Asylon (Piper)
3) Andreas Gross & Hans-Peter Schultes: Im Schatten des Blutmondest (Saphir im Stahl)
4) Thilo Corzilius: Ravinia (Piper)
5) Janika Nowak: Das Lied der Banshee (Pan)
Other categories include best short story, best website, best series etc.