
    Arie Lodder’s “A Dutch Treat : Speculative Fiction by Dutch-speaking Authors”

    An excellent initiative, this one, the “ Dutch Treat : Speculative Fiction by Dutch-speaking Authors”, due to effort and dedication of Arie Lodder from the Netherlands, to congregate information, bio-bibliography, links towards sites, blogs, short-stories, books, etc., promoting the work of several talented Dutch SFF writers :

    thomas olde heuvelt    


    Thomas Olde Heuvelt , Tais Teng , Floris M. KleijneMike Jansen, and Chantal Noordeloos.

    So, anyone interested to know more and to read the works of Thomas, Tais, Floris, Mike and Chantal, is invited to do it !

    A Dutch Treat, that may not sound like something that deserves your attention. But in this case there are no tricks. Because A Dutch Treat is all about speculative fiction in English by Dutch-speaking authors. What’s more, some of their works are available as free downloads or free online reads. Now, who wouldn’t call this a treat ?

    On the main page of this blog we will tell you about new books and stories that have been published by Dutch-speaking authors. If you’re interested, you may leave your email address in the “Subscribe” section to the right. We will send you a notification every time a new post has been added.

    Beside the main page there is a page for every author under the menu item Authors. Select one and you will see a short bio, books and stories that have been published in English, and links to reviews and interviews. If a book/story is available as free read or free download, then the title is shown as a link that brings you straight to the book/story.

    Suppose you enjoyed a book or a story in English by a Dutch-speaking author and you wonder if there is more work like that, then you would face a hard time finding anything. But now there is A Dutch Treat, a blog that will show you the way, if you are interested in speculative fiction written by Dutch-speaking authors.

    Go to the Authors tag at the top of the page. You will see a dropdown menu with all available authors. Select one and you will see a short bio, books and stories that have been published in English, and links to reviews and interviews. If a book/story is available as free read or free download, then the title is shown as a link that brings you straight to the book/story.

    Please tell your friends about A Dutch Treat.” – Arie Lodder

    Congratulations, Arie, keep up the good work and a lot of succes to our European colleagues and friends, the Dutch SFF writers !

    Pics © Arie Lodder, courtesy of the authors


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