
    A Truly European Site : Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation (Great Britain)

    SF2 Concatenation

    science fiction  sci fi  science fiction news  science fact & science fiction  european science fiction

    Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation now has Twitter alerts. Unlike many very excellent SF/F websites which post frequently, SF2 Concatenation is only seasonal. Because SF2 Concatenationonly has three principal editions a year (spring, summer and autumn) with a short story in between, there will not be many tweets alerting those interested to new postings.

    The Twitter account is @SF2Concat
    SF2 Concatenation‘s three principal editions a year feature a seasonal news summary covering: publishing, SF personalities, film, television, fandom and science as well as listings of forthcoming SF/F/H books from Britain’s leading SF/F imprints and popular science, not to mention links to a selection of recent SF video clips.
    In addition the three principal editions include occasional articles. These include an annual national and international SF convention and forthcoming film release listing, and an annual chart of SF/F film box office top ten. There are also stand-alone book reviews and stand-alone reviews of SF conventions. In between the three principal editions, SF2 Concatenation posts its choice of one of the best one-page ‘Futures’ stories originally published the preceding year on the inside back cover of the weekly science journal “Nature”. ” – Jonathan Cowie

    The Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation is the seasonal review of science fact and science fiction. Formerly the (1987-1997) annual (paper) magazine distributed at the British national SF convention and European SF convention, today its three principal internet editions come out in the northern hemisphere’s Spring, Summer & Autumn.

    Concatenation staff 2010
    © The Science Fact & Science Fiction Concatenation


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