

    The European Science Fiction Society (ESFS) announced it’s 2018 awards in Amiens, France (40th EUROCON 2018 : The European Science Fiction Convention/Nemo):



    Gérard Klein (born 1937, Neuilly-sur-Seine), is one the best European SF writers, a French born author, anthologist, critic and editor. 

    He was also the editor of the French prestigious science fiction series “Ailleurs et Demain” published by Robert Laffont and of the “Le Livre de poche” (Pocket Book) science-fiction imprint.




    Anna Starobinets (born 1978) is an acclaimed, award-winning Russian novelist, scriptwriter and journalist. She is best known as a writer of dystopian and metaphysical novels and short stories, and is also a very successful children’s author.


    Milivoj Ćeran is a professional illustrator specialized in the fanastic art.


    Zhupansky Publisher was founded in the year 2007. The primary objective is publishing high quality Ukrainian translations of world literature.

    Book series:

    Ad Astra – greatest works of famous international sci-fi and fantasy writers: Peter Watts (Blindsight, Echopraxia), Philip K. Dick (‘The Complete Short Prose in 3 Volumes’), Dan Simmons (‘The Terror’), Neal Stephenson (‘Snow Crash’), Paul Anderson (‘The Guardians of Time’ series) and others.

    Amalgama – modern sci-fi and fantasy from Poland: Cezary Zbierzchowski (‘Holocaust F’), Łukasz Orbitowski (‘The Speedway’) and others.

    The Masters of Gothic Stories – key writers of gothic and weird fiction: H. P. Lovecraft (‘The Complete Prose Works in 5 volumes’), Ambrose Bierce (‘The Collected Works’), Robert Chambers (‘The King in Yellow’), Abraham Merritt (‘Burn, Witch, Burn!’ ‘Creep, Shadow, Creep!’), Aleister Crowley (‘Moonchild’), Arthur Machen (‘The Great God Pan’, ‘The Inmost Light’, ‘The Shining Pyramid’, ‘The Three Imposters’, ‘The Red Hand’, ‘The White People’, ‘A Fragment of Life’) and others.

    Masters of World Prose – Jules Verne (‘Paris au XXe siècle’), Michel Tournier (‘Le roi des aulnes’), Louis Guilloux (‘Le sang noir’), Hermann Broch (‘Der Tod des Vergil’), Salman Rushdie (‘The Satanic Verses’, ‘The Enchantress of Florence’, ‘Haroun and the Sea of Stories’, ‘Luka and the Fire of Life’, ‘Joseph Anton’), Louis-Ferdinand Céline (‘Mort à crédit’), George Orwell (‘1984’, ‘Animal Farm’, ‘Homage to Catalonia’, ‘Collected Essays’, ‘Down and out to Paris and London’, ‘Burmese Days’, ‘Coming Up For Air’, ‘A Clergyman’s Daughter’, ‘Keep the Aspidistra Flying’), Boualem Sansal (‘2084’), Karin Boye (‘Kallocain’), James Joyce (‘Ulysses’), Christoph Ransmayr (‘Morbus Kitahara’), Robert Walser (‘Der Räuber’), Thomas Pynchon (‘The Crying Of Lot 49’, ‘The Gravity’s Rainbow’) and others.

    Alternative – bold, unusual and weird-fiction from modern Ukrainian authors of present days: Alex Zavara (‘IQ = FAQ – The Story Of Ill Consciousness’, Kata-Morgana, ‘Dog-head’), Oleksiy Zhupansky (‘Let The Chidren Come To Me’, ‘Domestic Satanism’, ‘Clothes-man’, ‘Godspeed You! Black Gensec’), Eugen Lir (‘The underground rivers flow’), Ostap Ukrajinetcs (‘Trance’).

    The Laureates of The Nobel Prize – the main works of Nobel Prize laureates. In this series of books works by the following authors have been published: Elias Canetti, William Butler Yeats, Samuel Beckett, Jean-Paul Sartre, Toni Morrison, Seamus Heaney, Thomas Mann, Bernard Shaw, Henri Bergson, Jean Marie Gustave Le Clezio, William Faulkner, Elfriede Jelinek, Anatole France, Selma Lagerlöf, Verner von Heidenstam, Saul Bellow, Jean Patrick Modiano, Winston Churchill and others.

    Historical Thinking – the most significant historical works and studies.

    BEST MAGAZINE: “ANGLE MORT (Blind Spot), France


    Ylva Maria Spångberg , born 28 October 1961 in Södertälje, a town some thirty kilometres south of Stockholm, on the 28th of October, 1961. In 1973, when she was eleven years old, she joined Forodrim, the recently formed Stockholm Tolkien Society, and by 1977 she was editing their magazine, which brought her to the attention of Swedish SF writer and editor John-Henri Holmberg. Holmberg thought she wrote well, and asked if she was interested in translating. She was. ‘The first book was a veritable disaster,’ she says, ‘but I was only sixteen.’ Holmberg gave her more work, though, mostly on Science Fiction titles. She liked translating, and continued to pursue it as a career.

    ‘I had other contacts among publishing houses in Stockholm and found more work with them. In 1988, I hit it big: I was offered the translation of David Eddings, who became a big success in Sweden and sort of put Fantasy on the map as a genre here. That also meant I suddenly was seen as a ‘fantasy translator,’ and that has been what I’ve done mostly since then.’

    The number of titles she has worked on since then is now approaching 150. Authors she has translated really do represent a who’s who of Science Fiction and Fantasy past and present, including Joe Abercrombie, Poul Anderson, Isaac Asimov, Leigh Brackett, Arthur C Clarke, Stephen Donaldson, Neil Gaiman, Robin Hobb, Brian Jacques, Robert Jordan, Stephen King, Andre Norton, Christopher Priest, Patrick Rothfuss, Joanna Russ, Clifford D Simak, Tad Williams, and Roger Zelazny, and of course David Eddings.

    Besides all this, Ylva has always been active in Swedish fandom. In 1990 she won the Alvar Appeltoffts Minnespris, awarded for ‘Comprehensive and Meaningful Volunteer Work of Lasting Value in Swedish Science Fiction Fandom.’ In 1995 she was involved in the organisation of Östan om Sol (East of the Sun), a Swedish fantasy convention, and has been the chair of three other conventions since then – Imagicon, Imagicon II, and Rancon. She has also been on the editorial board of Swedish science fiction magazine Nova Science Fiction, Scandinavia’s largest magazine for and about Science Fiction, which won the Best European SF Magazine award at Eurocon 2009 in Fiuggi in Italy, although it is currently in abeyance.


    Jukka-Petteri Halme (born December 20, 1967 ) is a Finnish science fiction and fantasy fan. Jukka has served as chairman of Helsinki’s Finncon in 2006, 2009 and 2013 and chairman of the Sphincture Award of the Helsinki SF Society. Jukka Halme was the fan guest of Eurocon in Stockholm 2011 and Finncon in 2014 and a fan guest of the 2015 Eurocon. He was one of the organizers of the 2017 Worldcon.


    Best Work of Fiction: “The House of Binding Thorns” – Aliette de Bodard, France

    Best Work of Art: Cover for “Junker’s i Vailiant protiv sila tame” (Junker and Vailiant against the Force of Darkness) by Sebastijan Čamagajevac (Croatia)

    Best Fanzine: “Journey Planet“, issue 33, Ireland

    Best Internet Publication, other than a fanzine: “nooSFere“, France

    Best Work for Children: tie

    “Das Sagenbuch zum Stephansdom” (The Book of Legends about St. Stephen’s Cathedral) – Barbara Schinko, Austria

    “Moj brat živi u kompjutoru” (My brother lives in the computer) – Branka Primorac, Croatia

    Best Dramatic Presentation:

    Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets“, a film written and directed by Luc Besson, France

    THE CHRYSALIS AWARDS (formerly The Encouragement Awards, granted according with the nominations of the national representatives to a writer or an artist from an European country, who has emerged in the last three years):

    Maksim Kutuzau (Belarus)

    Věra Mertlíková (Czech Republic)

    Nicolas Sarter (France)

    Sinéad O’Heart (Ireland)

    Daniel Timariu (Romania)

    Martin Hatala (Slovakia)

    Yaryna Katorozh (Ukraine)

    2018 ESFS Awards Nominations:

    Hall of Fame Awards:

    Best Author

    Andreas Brandhorst (Germany)
    Marc Elsberg (Austria)
    Clelia Farris (Italy)
    Laurent Genefort (France)
    Derek Landy (Ireland)
    Anna Starobinets (Russia)
    Serhiy Zhadan (Ukraine)

    Best Artist

    Igor Baranko (Ukraine)
    Paul Bolger (Ireland)
    Milivoj Ćeran (Croatia)
    Didier Cottier (France)
    Andrew Ferez (Russia)
    Reinhard Habeck (Austria)
    Maya Hahto (Finland)
    Luis Peres (Portugal)
    Pavel Tatarnikau (Belarus)

    Best Magazine

    Angle Mort (France)
    Inostranka Literatura (Russia)

    Best Publisher

    Azbooka (Russia)
    Hangar7 (Croatia)
    Mnémos (France)
    Septime Verlag (Austria)
    Yanushkevic (Belarus)
    Zhupansky (Ukraine)
    Zona 42 (Italy)

    Best Promoter

    Jukka Halme (Finland)
    Organizing Committee of Helsinki Worldcon (Russia)
    Quarante-deux (France)
    Yuri Shevela (Ukraine)
    Davor Šišović (Croatia)
    Lucian-Vasile Szabo (Romania)
    Francesco Verso (Italy)

    Best Translator

    Milena Benini (Croatia)
    Sara Doke (France)
    Pavel Kostukevich (Belarus)
    Serhii Leheza (Ukraine)
    Svetlana Lichacheva (Russia)
    Mihai-Dan Pavelescu (Romania)
    Michael Preissl (Austria)
    Ylva Spångberg (Sweden)

    Achievement Awards:

    Best Work of Fiction

    In Other Lands, Sarah Rees Brennan (Ireland)
    The House of Binding Thorns, Aliette de Bodard (France)
    Equilibrium, Anna Jakobsson Lund (Sweden)
    Noras Welten, Madeleine Puljic (Austria)
    “Projekcije”, Jurica Ranj (Croatia)
    “Shoe of Mnemosyne”, Lyudmila Rublevskaya (Belarus)
    God Bless You! Black Gensec, Oleksii Zhupanskyi (Ukraine)

    Best Work of Art

    Covers for Le livre de l’énigme, Melchior Ascaride (France)
    Cover for Junker’s i Vailiant protiv sila tame, Sebastijan Čamagajevac (Croatia)
    “Scraps of the Untainted Sky”, Daniel Dociu (Romania)
    Covers for Dark Tower – NEO, Andrew Ferez (Russia)
    “The Will” project (Ukraine)

    Best Fanzine

    Das ist fantastisch Alter Ego #4 (Ukraine)
    Gazeta SF 8/17 (Romania)
    Journey Planet 3/17 (Ireland)
    Présence d’Esprit 5/18 (France)
    Rampant Tramp Winter 2017-2018 (Russia)

    Best Work for Children

    Aventures à Guedelon, Danielle Martinigol (France)
    Moj brat živi u kompjuteru, Branka Primorac (Croatia)
    The Squires of Cossack Shvayka, Volodymyr Rutkivsky (Ukraine)
    Das Sagenbuch zum Stephansdom, Barbara Schinko (Austria)
    Wonderful summer of misters Kublicki and Zablocki, Piatro Vasiuchenka (Belarus)
    ChYaP, Eduard Verkin (Russia)

    Best Internet Publication, Other than a Fanzine

    Vladimir Anikeev author’s blog (Russia)
    Cronache di un sole lontano (Italy)
    nooSFere (France)
    Svit Fantasy (Ukraine)

    Best Dramatic Presentation

    “Prychynna: The Story of Love” (Ukraine)
    “THELMA” (Norway, nominated by Romania)
    “La tortue rouge” (Russia)
    Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (France)

    The Chrysalis Award:

    Martin Hatala (Slovakia)
    Yaryna Katorozh (Ukraine)
    Maksim Kutuzau (Belarus)
    Věra Mertlíková (Czech Republic)
    Sinéad O’Heart (Ireland)
    Nicolas Sarter (France)
    Daniel Timariu (Romania)
    Verena Petrach (Austria)
    Juraj Belošević (Croatia)


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