
    2013 Ignotus Awards Nominees (Spain)

    Ricardo Manzanaro Arana, the administrator of the spanish Ignotus Awards, has released the list of finalists in all categories.

    Premios Ignotus (Awards) are annual Spanish literary awards that were created in 1991 by the Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror (AEFCFT), the Spanish Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror Association. The awards, which are in the genres of science fiction and fantasy, are voted on by members of Hispacon, the spanish national science fiction convention .

    The list of finalists, congratulations to them all !


    “Cenital” (Zenith) by Emilio Bueso (Salto de Página)

    “Corazón de Alacrán” (Heart of Scorpion) by Felipe Colorado (Espiral Ciencia-Ficción)

    “Crónicas del Aleph II: El lama negro” (Chronicles of Aleph II: The Black Lama) by Martín Gastón (Espiral Ciencia-Ficción)

    “El mapa del cielo” (The Map of the Sky) by Felix J. Palma (Plaza & Janés)

    “La ley del trueno” (The Law of Thunder) by Sergio Mars (Cápside)

    “El espacio aural” (The Aural Space) by Blanca Mart (Eridano)
    “La textura de las palabras” (The Texture of the Words) by Felicidad Martínez (Akasa-Puspa, de Aguilera y Redal)
    “Magna Veritas” by Ramón Merino Collado (El Teatro de los prodigios)
    “Osfront” by Eduardo Vaquerizo, José Ramón Vázquez and Santiago Eximeno (Ediciones del cruciforme)
    “Recuerdos de un país zombi” (Memories from a Zombie Country) by Erick J. Mota (Terra Nova)

    Short Story
    “Deirdre” by Lola Robles (Terra Nova)

    “Dynevor Road” by Luis Manuel Ruiz (Steampunk Antología Retrofuturista)

    “Los libros” (The Books) by Ramón Merino Collado (El Teatro de los Prodigios)

    “London Gardens” by Juan Jacinto Muñoz Rengel (Steampunk Antología Retrofuturista)

    “Memoria” (Memory) by Teresa P. Mira de Echeverria (Terra Nova)

    “Neo Tokio Blues” by José Ramón Vázquez (Prospectivas. Antología del cuento de ciencia ficción española actual)

    “Patrick Hannahan y las guerras secretas” (Patrick Hannahan and the Secret Wars) by Eduardo Vaquerizo (Prospectivas)

    “Akasa- Puspa de Aguilera y Redal” (Akasa-Puspa by Aguilera and Redal) edited by Rodolfo Martinez (Sportula)
    “Homenaje” (Tribute) by Domingo Santos (AJEC)
    “Steampunk. Antología retrofuturista” (Steampunk. Retro-futuristic Anthology) edited by Felix J. Palma (Fabulas de Albión)
    “Terra Nova. Antología de ciencia ficción contemporánea” (Terra Nova. Anthology of Modern Science Fiction) edited by Mariano Villarreal and Luis Pestarini (Sportula)
    “Calabazas en el trastero: horror cósmico” (Pumpkins in the Attic: Cosmic Horror) by several authors (Saco de huesos)
    “Alan Moore Storyteller” by Gary Spencer Millidge (Planeta Agostini)
    “Ensayo Z” (Essay Z) by Jorge Martínez Lucena (Berenice)
    “Extra Life. 10 videojuegos que han revolucionado la cultura contemporánea” (Extra Life. 10 video games that revolutionized the modern culture) by various authors (errata naturae)
    “Juego de Tronos. Los secretos del trono de hierro” (A Game of Thrones. The Secrets of the Iron Throne) by Carlos Ripoll (Dolmen)
    “La ciencia ficción de Isaac Asimov” (The Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov) by Rodolfo Martínez (Sportula)
    “La explosión Marvel: Historia de la Marvel en los 70” (The Marvel Boom: The History of Marvel in the 70s) by José Joaquín Rodríguez (Dolmen)
    “La prehistoria de la ciencia ficción. Del tercer milenio antes de Cristo a Julio Verne” (The Science Fiction Prehistory. From the Third Millennium BC to Jules Verne) by Pollux Hernández Núñez (El rey Lear)
    ”Lágrimas de luz. Posmodernidad y estilo en la ciencia ficción española” (Tears of Light. Postmodernism and Style in Spanish Science Fiction) by Mariela González (Sportula)
    “Recordando Nueva Dimensión” (Remembering the New Dimension Magazine) edited by Luis Vigil and Leonor Fernández (Editores de Tebeos)
    “Recordando “Futuro” (Remembering “The Future”) edited by Leonor Fernández and Luis Vigil (Glenat)

    “Ciencia-Ficción en español” (Science Fiction in Spanish) by Fernando Angel Moreno (Prospectivas)
    “Cinco reyes, cinco príncipes” (Five Kings, Five Princes) by Julián Díez (Hélice 14)
    “Cincuenta relatos para una década” (Fifty stories for a Decade) by Juan Manuel Santiago (“Literatura Prospectiva”)
    “Escatología física en la saga de Akasa-Puspa” (Physical Eschatology in the Akasa-Puspa Saga) by José Manuel Uría (“Akasa Puspa de Aguilera y Redal”)
    “La ciencia-ficción está aquí, pero está mal repartida” (The Science Fiction is Here, It’s Just Not Evenly Distributed) by Tim Maughan (Literatura Fantástica)
    “La vida dentro de veinticinco yugas: el paisaje evolutivo de Akasa-Puspa” (The Life in the Twenty Yugas: the Evolutionary Scenery of Akasa-Puspa) by Sergio Mars (“Akasa Puspa de Aguilera y Redal”)
    “Ni tan invisibles, ni tan traidores” (Neither Invisibles, Nor as Traitors) Manuel de los Reyes (Literatura Fantástica)

    The cover of “Akasa-Puspa, de Aguilera y Redal” made by Juan Miguel Aguilera (Sportula)
    The cover of “Corazón de Alacrán” made by Koldo Campo (Espiral Ciencia-Ficción)
    The cover of “Crónica Aleph II. El lama negro” made by Koldo Campo (Espiral Ciencia-Ficción)
    The cover of “El rey trasgo. La ciudadela y la montaña” made by Barb Hernández (Kelonia)
    The cover of “Terra Nova” made by Ángel Benito Gastañaga (Sportula)
    Audiovisual material
    “El apostol” (The Apostle) by Fernando Cortizo (Cine)
    “El vuelo del Fenix” (The Flight of the Phoenix) by various authors (Podcast)
    “Fallo de sistema” (System Failure) by Santiago Bustamante (Radio)
    “Los Ganglios” (The Ganglions) by ¡Hay! (Video)
    “Los Verdhugos” (The Verdhugos) by Miquel Codony, Elías Combarro, Josep María Oriol y Pedro Román (Podcast)

    Comic Books
    “15 historietas de Ciencia-Ficción Oscura” (15 Little Histories of Dark Science Fiction) by various authors (Diábolo Ediciones)
    “Echo Vol.3” by Terry Moore (Norma)
    “Espinas” (Thorns) by Santiago Eximeno y Angel Manuel Sánchez Crespo (The End 2012)
    “Locke & Key” Vol 3. by Joe Hill y Gabriel Rodríguez (Panini Cómics)
    “Morning Glories vol 1 (Por un mundo major)” by Nick Spencer y Joe Eisma (Panini Cómics)
    “Nocturna 1” (The Strain 1) by Guillermo del Toro y Chuck Hogan (Planeta Agostini)
    “Sleepers” by Luis NCT (Editores De Tebeos)
    “Solo: Historias Caníbales” (Solo: Cannibal Stories) by various authors (Ed. Ominiky)
    “Witch Doctor. A golpe de bisturi” (A Scalpel Stroke )by Robert Kirkman (Planeta de Agostini)

    “Peripecias de la Brigada Poética en el Reino de los Autómatas” (Adventures of the Poetic Brigade in the Kingdom of the Automatons) by Alberto García Teresa (Asociación Umbrales)
    “Quiero comerme tu máscara de gas” (I Want To Eat Your Gas Mask) by Santiago Eximeno (Groenlandia 14)
    “Versos mortíferos” (Lethal Verses) by Fermín Moreno (selfpublished)

    “Barsoom” (La Hermandad del Enmascarado)
    “Catarsi” (TerCat)
    “Delirio” (Biblioteca del Laberinto)
    “Hélice” (Asociación Cultural Xatafi)
    “Planetas Prohibidos” (Grupo Planetas Prohibidos)

    Translated Novel
    “Clorofila” (Chlorophyll) by Andrei H. Rubanov (Minotauro)
    “El Arca” (Ark) by Stephen Baxter (La Factoría de Ideas)
    “El visitante inesperado” (Fuzzy Nation) by John Scalzi (Minotauro)
    “El vivo” (The Living) by Anna Starobinets (Nevsky Prospect)
    “Entre extraños” (Among Others) by Jo Walton (RBA)
    “La ciudad y la ciudad” (The City & The City) by China Miéville (La Factoría de Ideas)

    Translated Short Story
    “El ciclo de la vida de los objetos de software” (The Lifecycle of Software Objects) by Ted Chiang (Terra Nova)
    “El zoo de papel” (The Paper Menagerie) by Ken Liu (Terra Nova)
    “En la casa de los locos” (Ship of Fools) by Charles Stross (Brecha nuclear)
    “Quedarse atrás” (Staying Behind) by Ken Liu (Cuentos para Algernon)
    “Una edad difícil” (An Awkward Age) by Anna Starobinets (Una edad difícil)
    “Un diez con bandera” (Ten with a Flag) by Joseph Paul Haines (Cuentos para Algernon)

    “Cuentos para Algernon” – Marcheto (
    “La Tercera Fundación” (Asociación “Los Conseguidores”) (
    “Literatura Fantástica” – Mariano Villarreal (
    “Rescepto Indablog” – Sergio Mars (
    “Stardust” – Javier Romero (


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